
  • 网络Life journey
  1. 也许,我只是你人生旅途中的一个匆匆过客。

    Maybe I 'm just your life journey of a passer-by .

  2. 因为无人能在这人生旅途中占有任何事物。

    For no one owns anything during this human life journey .

  3. 在我人生旅途,你丰富了我的心灵。

    In my journey of life , you enrich my soul .

  4. 在人生旅途中,难免有许多矢志和困惑。

    The voyage of life have left many determined and confusion .

  5. 年轻的母亲踏上了她的人生旅途。

    The young mother set her foot on the path of life .

  6. 知识是人生旅途中的粮食。

    Knowledge is the food on the journey of life .

  7. 但他在人生旅途中得到了帮助。

    But he is helped on his journey through life .

  8. 在人生旅途中听到一些真相本该对我有所帮助

    Hearing the truth at different times along the way would have helped me

  9. 《莱茵报》时期,是马克思人生旅途中的一个重要时期。

    " Rheinische Zeitung period ", in Marx life is a important period .

  10. 但在孤独的人生旅途中似乎没有一人关注

    Not one seemed to even care For on that lonely road of life

  11. 别忘停下匆匆的脚步,闻闻人生旅途中的花香。

    It is very important to smell flowers as you go through life .

  12. 这能将一次糟糕的旅行转变为人生旅途中难忘的经历。

    This can turn a frustrating experience into the trip of a lifetime .

  13. 随着人生旅途的展开这份乐观也随之深化

    But on our journey , our optimism evolved .

  14. 在校教育是人生旅途中的一个很好的基础部分。

    The return to school is a well-established part of the journey of life .

  15. 青春,并非人生旅途中的一段时光,而是心灵中的一种状态;

    Youth is not a time of life , it is a state of mind ;

  16. 我相信,在漫长的人生旅途上,大家均会紧抱这些价值观。

    I hope you will hold these values dear to you in your journey through life .

  17. 是你甾皒旳人生旅途中划过道永远罘可抹擦旳生命色彩!

    Are you in my life 's journey over one 's life can never be Maca color !

  18. 在人生旅途的初始阶段,人们会遇到困难,甚至是死亡的威胁。

    In the initial stage of life one may encounter difficulties , even the threatening of life .

  19. 在漫漫的人生旅途上,我们哭过、笑过、成功过、失败过。

    In the endless pilgrimage , we cry , to smile , have succeeded , have been defeated .

  20. 你只有一次人生旅途,所以要享受到极致!

    You only have one ride through life so make The most of it and enjoy the ride .

  21. 我不知道这些技能对于我人生旅途的下一篇章是如何的重要。

    I didn 't realize how important these skills would be in the next phase of my journey .

  22. 人生旅途中,转口就在眼前,我该怎样实现自己的人生价值。

    In the pilgrimage , transfers the mouth at present , how should I realize my life value .

  23. 因此,我们其实应该将失望视为人生旅途上理所当然的事。

    Therefore , we actually ought to take disappointment as a matter of course along the life journey .

  24. 在人生旅途中,路人友善的帮扶能够减轻我们的负荷和洗涤我们的心灵。

    On the road of our life , the help of strangers can lighten our loads and lift spirit .

  25. 让我们把善始善终伴随在我们的人生旅途中。

    Let we do a thing through from beginning to end a chaperonage in our life on the travel .

  26. 若能屈服于人生旅途上的巅峰和低谷,你就能轻轻松松穿越。

    The peaks and valleys that mark your personal path become easier to traverse when you surrender to them .

  27. 李远哲教授说过:教育使你能更好地走下一段人生旅途。

    Nobel laureate Professor Lee Yuan Tseh said that education can improve the quality of our future journey in life .

  28. 人生旅途,有风雨兼程,也有雨后彩虹。只要风雨同舟,就能看到雨后彩虹。

    The life journey , has trials and hardship to travel at double speed , also has rain queen rainbow .

  29. 在每个人的人生旅途中都有一条必然要走的弯路,那就是青春的弯路。

    On one 's life 's journey there 's path one has to take & the tortuous path of Youth .

  30. 人活一辈子很不容易,人生旅途中有欢歌笑语、也有挫折磨难。

    People live life is not easy , there are song and laughter in life journey , but also suffering setbacks .