
  1. OK,我刚刚看完36集,整部戏剧情已经过半但我依然还在看!!

    Ok so Ive been watching the epis raw ( up to epi 36 ) and its over half way done and Im still watching ! !

  2. 这出戏的剧情简直就是胡编滥造。

    The play 's plot stretches credulity to the limit .

  3. 这出戏的剧情非常严谨。

    The play has a very schematic plot .

  4. 这个戏的剧情很复杂。

    The play has a very complicated plot .

  5. 这出戏的剧情缺乏一致性。

    The plot of the drama lacks unity .

  6. 两部戏的剧情都很错综复杂。

    Both plots are labyrinthine .