
  • 网络the third workshop
  1. 本文讨论了上海电焊机厂三车间机座生产线技术改造的投资决策问题。

    The Shanghai Electric Welding Machine Plant is one of the largest welding machine works in China .

  2. 简单介绍奇瑞涂装三车间涂装生产线的主要工艺流程、设备。

    The process flows and equipments of the production lines in the3rd coating workshop of Qirui company are introduced briefly .

  3. (在车间)这是我们三个车间的一个。

    ( In the workshop ) This is one of our three workshops .

  4. 本文作者依据本人在武钢工作的实际经验,介绍了武钢烧结厂三烧车间实施战略管理的内容与实施计划等。

    The author tells the strategy in No.3 workshop sinter plant WISCO on the base of his practice .

  5. 本文就是针对武钢公司烧结厂第三烧结车间的烧结混料机来展开分析和研究的。

    The analysis and study was aiming at the cylinder mix machine in No. 3 shop of Wuhan Steel and Iron Corporation Sinter Factory .

  6. 大冶有色金属公司冶炼厂第三系列硫酸车间设计特点

    Design Features of Series ⅲ Sulfuric Acid Plant in Daye Smelter

  7. 本文报道了三个织布车间环境噪声的强度为101~104分贝。

    The intensity of noise measured in3 weaving rooms was found to be101-104dB .

  8. 针对锦西炼油化工总厂炼油三厂净化车间含硫含氯污水汽提装置的生产现状和存在的工艺技术问题进行了技术分析,是出采用三段冷凝三段分离工艺;

    The production situation and process problem of the sour water stripper were analyzed at cleaning workshop in the No. 3 refinery of the Jinxi Petrochemical Company .

  9. 介绍了马钢第三轧钢厂热带车间含油污水处理的现状及系统改造情况,应用化学法除汕技术处理该种污水,处理后水质ss≤40mg/1,油≤10mg/1。

    Are presented . The sewage was treated by a chemical deoiling technique . The water quality treated is SS ≤ 40mg / 1 , and oil content is ≤ l0mg / 1 .

  10. 第三,在试点车间的Wurster制粒机上,单纯使用辅料及其与不同浓度HPC溶液相混合进行几个流化床湿法制粒试验。

    Third , several fluid bed wet granulation experiments were conducted for pure excipients and their blends with binder solution of different HPC concentrations in a pilot plant Wurster granulator .

  11. 作者也利用论文的理论结果给出了一个三机器开放式车间情况的实际算例。

    The example of optimal schedule was presented for three machines of open shop .

  12. 系统中有三种代理,车间代理、资源代理和任务代理协同并行工作。

    There are three types of agents , shop agent , task agent and resource agent , work cooperatively and asynchronously .

  13. 首钢第三炼钢厂炼钢车间净水循环冷却水系统水质稳定研究

    A study on the water quality stability of the recycled cooling water system for the Third Steelmaking Workshop of capital iron and Steel Company

  14. 实践证明,钢领镀硬铬后使用寿命可达三年以上,车间生产长期稳定,维护管理方便,有明显的经济效益。

    Therefore the mills can get a steady operation and an efficient maintenance and management will resulted in . Finally , obvious economic benefit is obtained .

  15. 技术管理一直是船政局企业管理的重要环节,其在技术引进上循序渐进、由浅入深,根据这一特点,又可将其技术管理分为三个环节:车间传授、学堂教育及留学交流。

    Technique management was the important management chain all the times . They advanced gradually in fetching in techniques . According to this character , we can divide its technique management into three chains , namely workshop initiation , school education and study abroad .