
  • 网络Three-line hybridization;triple crossing
  1. 三系杂交水稻真伪及纯度实时PCR技术的鉴定

    True-false Identification and Purity Test of Three-line Hybrid Rice by Real-time Fluorescent PCR

  2. 东北新三系杂交粳稻BT型不育系开花习性的研究

    Studies on Flowering Habits of CMS lines of Japonica Hybrid Rice

  3. 实时荧光PCR技术在三系杂交水稻种子出境检验检疫上的应用

    Application of Real-time Fluorescent PCR Technology on the Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the Three-line Hybrid Rice Seed

  4. 利用9个随机引物对42个中籼三系杂交稻骨干亲本(保持系和恢复系)进行了DNA遗传差异分析。

    RAPD analysis for genetic diversity was conducted on 42 backbone parental lines in Indica hybrid rice breeding with 9 primers selected from 250 random primers .

  5. 结果表明,籼型三系杂交稻产量形成的主要性状发育进程符合Logistic生长方程。

    It indicated that the developmental patterns of the main traits of yield formation was fitted to Logistic growth equations .

  6. 三系杂交稻幼苗NH4~+、K~+吸收的动力学分析

    Kinetic analysis of NH and k ~ + uptake in seedlings of Hybrid Rice

  7. 对三系杂交稻T0代转基因植株进行PCR和Southern杂交检测(恢复系湘晴),表明外源基因已经整合进湘晴水稻基因组中。

    The PCR and Southern analysis ( only in Xiangqing ) showed the anti-Waxy gene had been transferred into genome of these hybrid rice and expressed .

  8. 三系杂交棉花粉育性对高温和低温胁迫的反应反向斑点杂交法快速检测HBV基因型反应条件的优化和建立

    Reaction of Pollen Fertility to High or Low Temperature Stresses in CMS-Based Hybrid Cotton Development of a Reverse Dot Blot System for Rapid Detection of HBV Genotypes

  9. UV-B辐射增强对三系杂交水稻恢复系主要经济性状的影响

    Effects of Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Main Economical Character of R-line Thermal Stability of ' Three-line ' Hybrid Rice

  10. 选用9个籼型三系杂交水稻亲本(5个不育系和4个恢复系),采用p×q不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)对14个产量及其相关性状的配合力进行分析。

    Nine parents of three-line indica rice , including 5 sterile lines and 4 restoring lines , were chosen to analyze the combining ability of 14 yield characters and related characters by the way of p × q incomplete diallele cross ( NC ⅱ) design .

  11. 为了鉴定杂交种子与父母本的亲缘关系,用20条随机引物和21条ISSR引物在供试的一组三系杂交水稻F1、父母本及对照进行扩增。

    The DNA of three-line hybrid rice F1 , its parents and the check were amplified by 20 random primers and 21 ISSR primers in order to identify the relationship of F1 and it parents .

  12. 籼型三系杂交水稻株高的发育遗传分析

    Developmental genetic analysis for plant height in three-line indica hybrid rice

  13. 模糊聚类分析在优选小麦三系杂交组合中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Cluster Analysis in Combination of Optimum Hybrid Wheat

  14. 三系杂交水稻恢复系选育的实践与体会

    Practice and Experience in Breeding Restorer Lines of Three-line Hybrid Rice

  15. 三系杂交水稻谷粒性状的遗传及相关分析

    Genetic and Correlation Analysis of Grain Characters in Three-line Hybrid Rice

  16. 稻瘟病持久抗性在三系杂交稻上的导入

    Incorporation of the Rice Blast Durable Resistance into Hybrid Rice

  17. 三系杂交水稻亲本种子生产质量控制程序

    Quality-ensuring Procedure for Producing Parental Seeds of Three-line Hybrid Rice

  18. 三系杂交中粳育种研究进展与应用前景

    Advances and Utilization Prospects of Three Line Medium Japonica Hybrid Rice Breeding

  19. 三系杂交稻制种优质高产技术总结

    High-yield and High-quality Seed Production Techniques for Three-line Hybrid Rice

  20. 因此对三系杂交棉进行研究探索是非常有必要的。

    So it is necessary to explore three-line hybrid cotton .

  21. 水稻三系杂交种子形态鉴定的研究

    Studies on morphological identification of seeds of Three-line Hybrid Rice

  22. 现在油葵为三系杂交种,利用花粉管通道法导入外源基因,以恢复系作受体最佳。

    Restoring line is the best receptor to co-transformation .

  23. 籼三系杂交稻优良亲本的生育特性观察

    Observation on Growth Characteristics of Fine Parents in Indica Three line Hybrid Rice

  24. 江苏三系杂交粳稻育种现状及改良对策

    Breeding Status and Improving Strategy of Three-line Japonica Hybrid Rice in Jiangsu Province

  25. 三系杂交稻制种条纹叶枯病发生规律及防治

    Incidence and Prevention of Rice Stripe Virus Disease in Three-line Hybrid Rice Seed Production

  26. 籼型三系杂交水稻品质性状配合力与遗传力研究

    Study on Combining Ability and Heritability of Quality Traits in Three-line Indica Hybrid Rice

  27. 籼型三系杂交早稻粒形及产量性状的加性相关和显性相关分析

    Additive and dominance correlations between grain shape and yield of early-season Indica hybrid rice

  28. 三系杂交水稻抗稻瘟病、白叶枯病育种研究进展

    Research Progress on Resistance Breeding of Three-line Hybrid Rice to Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight

  29. 籼型三系杂交水稻地上部干物质重的发育遗传研究

    Studies on Developmental Genetics of the Dry Matter Weight of Shoot in Three-line Indica Hybrid Rice

  30. 三系杂交水稻优质育种

    Quality breeding in three-line hybrid rice