
  • 网络Bioinert Materials
  1. Al2O3陶瓷是一种生物惰性材料,硬度高,熔点高,化学稳定性好,具有比较高的机械强度和耐磨损性能及化学稳定性,但脆性较大。

    Alumina ceramic is a very important inert bio-ceramic material , which possesses high hardness , high melting point , good chemical stability , good mechanical properties and wear-resisting property . Its limitation is brittleness .

  2. 但是,C/C属于生物惰性材料,未经处理的C/C表面具有疏水性,长期置于人体中,脱落的游离碳会随体液流动,沉积到表面皮肤,造成黑肤效应。

    However , C / C composites are bio-inert ; the surface of C / C composites without any treatment is hydrophobic . The dissociative carbon can flow with body fluids and thus cause " black skin effect " due to the carbon deposition within the skin .

  3. 虽然钛及其合金具有良好的生物相容性和力学性能,但钛及其合金属于生物惰性材料,几乎不具有生物活性。

    Although Ti and its alloy has excellent mechanical properties , they belong to biological implanting material , there is little bio activity .