
  • 网络survival knife
  1. 欢迎生存主题的读者发表他对优秀的生存刀的个人选择。

    I welcome any input from Survival Topics readers about knives and their personal choices for the best survival knife .

  2. 很多生存刀的刀背上设有木锯或钢锯齿。

    On the back of many survival knives are a saw meant for sawing through metal or wood .

  3. 最好的生存刀是在你所遇到的大部分工作前都可以通用的刀。

    The best survival knives neet to be versatile in the number of things they can be called upon to do .

  4. 并且还有个好处就是,你丢失了你的生存刀,也不会同时失去其他生存工具。

    One advantage to this is that should you loose your knife you will still have the remainder of your survival gear to rely upon .

  5. 许多出售的生存刀手柄被挖空,其想法是让你可以存放火柴、指南针等工具在密闭防水的手柄内。

    Many survival knives are sold that have hollow handles , the idea being you can store survival essentials like matches and compass inside the water tight handle .

  6. 带着一把好的生存刀,你能够制造或者获得你生存需要的任何东西,甚至可以在户外过丰盛的生活。

    Though they look like potent weapons that can take on the world , these oversized knives are a far cry from the best of knives used by survival experts .

  7. 在后面的生存主题里,我将介绍一些经过检测的生存刀给你。

    In future Survival Topics I will explore a few of the proven survival knives that would serve you well .

  8. 如果你真打算在生存装备中要有一个小锯子,那你最好还是增添一个特别设计的生存工具,这比你在生存刀上设锯齿更好。

    If you require a small saw in your survival gear you would do well to add a tool specifically designed for this rather than use your knife for this purpose .