
  • 网络ecological approach;Ecological Method;method of ecology
  1. 生态学方法在海堤防护中的应用

    The Application of Ecological Method in Protecting the Seashore Dyke

  2. 景观生态学方法在荒漠化监测中应用的理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis on the Landscape Ecological Method Application in Desertification Monitor

  3. 本文在大棚及熏气室内运用植物生理学和生态学方法研究增强的UV-B辐射和CO2浓度倍增的复合作用对黄瓜生长发育、生理生态和品质产量的影响。

    In this paper , influence of enhanced UV-B and double CO2 concentration on the growth and development and quality and yield of cucumber were investigated in plastic greenhouse .

  4. 根据1985年和2000年的2期土地利用图形数据,运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,数理统计方法和景观生态学方法,研究了生态保护背景下科尔沁沙地奈曼旗土地利用及其景观格局的新变化。

    Based on digital land use maps of 1985 and 2000 , the land use and landscape change under ecological protection in Naiman county , Horqin Desert , were studied , exerting geographical information system ( GIS ), statistics and landscape ecology methods .

  5. 本文在室外控制条件下运用植物生理学和生态学方法研究了增强的UV-B辐射和CO2倍增的复合作用对蚕豆、小麦生长发育和生理生态的影响。

    In this paper , influences of enhanced UV-B and doubled CO2 on the growth and development and physioecology of broad bean and wheat were investigated with the method of plant physiology and ecology by using OTC outdoor .

  6. 3S技术结合景观生态学方法将生态环境影响评价由定性评价转向定量预测,为建设项目生态影响评价研究作了有益的探索。

    The combination of the 3S technique and the landscape theoretical ecology could turn the qualitative assessment into quantitative prediction for assessing the eco-environmental impact . This is very helpful for the ecological impact assessment of construction projects .

  7. 以MODIS遥感影像数据为数据源,应用遥感和GIS技术对泾河流域各个子流域的植被覆盖程度进行了对比评价,在此基础上应用景观生态学方法对各个子流域的植被覆盖格局进行了分析。

    Based on MODIS image data , the authors contrast and evaluate the vegetation cover of sub-catchment s in Jinghe River catchment by the RS and GIS , and analyze the pattern of vegetation cover in every sub-catchment from the viewpoint of landscape ecology .

  8. 运用景观生态学方法,选取了斑块面积、斑块形状指数、Shannon-Weaver多样性指数、斑块优势度指数、斑块破碎度指数五个景观格局指数用于海岸带生态的景观格局评价。

    With the landscape ecological methodologies , this thesis selected five ( 5 ) landscape pattern indexes , patch area , patch shape index , Shannon-Weaver diversity index , dominance index and fragmentation index , for the assessment of landscape pattern in coastal zone ecosystem .

  9. 循环经济建设的产业生态学方法

    Approach of industrial ecology for the development of recycling economy

  10. 交通工程生态环境影响评价的景观生态学方法研究

    Study on Landscape Ecology Method of Transportation Eco-Environmental Impact Assessment

  11. 分子生态学方法在微生物肥料质量监测中的应用

    The Use of Molecular Ecological Methods in the Quality Control of Biofertilizers

  12. 微生物分子生态学方法预警农田重金属污染的研究进展

    Reviews on early warning of field heavy metal pollutions with molecular microbial ecological methods

  13. 当代城市研究的生态学方法

    Ecological approch to contemporary urban research

  14. 从农业文明到生态文明&转型期农村可持续发展的生态学方法

    From Farming Culture to Ecological Culture

  15. 归纳了稳定性研究的野外生态学方法和数学生态学方法。

    This paper also introduced the research methods of field ecological stability and mathematical ecological stability .

  16. 生态学方法在控制城镇居民区家鼠中的作用

    The Effect of Rodent Control with Ecological Measures in the Residential Quarters of the Urban Area

  17. 目的论证用微生态学方法预防内源性医院感染发生的正确性和实用性。

    OBJECTIVE To explore the correctness and practicability of microecology methods to prevent endogenic hospital infection .

  18. 城镇可持续发展的生态学方法

    Ecologic Method of Town Sustainable Development

  19. 用群落生态学方法计算群落结构、多样性和相似性指数。

    A series of ecological methods about community structure diversity and similarity was involved in this paper .

  20. 应用景观生态学方法对比分析近40年间森林景观结构的变化。

    The variations of forest landscape structure were compared and analyzed based on the methods of landscape ecology .

  21. 景观生态学方法在攀枝花市高耗能园区区域环境影响评价中的应用

    The Study on the Regional Environmental Impact Evaluation of High-energy-dissipation Park in Panzhihua City Based on Landscape Ecology

  22. 用实验生态学方法研究了氮磷营养盐对近岸海洋硅藻组成的影响。

    Experiment was conducted to study the influence of N and P on population constiuent of planktonic diatoms in seawater .

  23. 方法:1998年6月至1999年5月在该地区的3类生境中,用群落生态学方法计算群落结构、多样性和相似性指数。

    Method : A series of ecological methods are involved in this paper of community structure , diversity and similarity .

  24. 同时,地理信息系统为在区域持续发展中利用生态学方法、时序分析和科学决策提供了强有力的技术支持。

    Moreover , GIS provides a strong technical support in utilizing ecological methodology , realizing the temporal analysis and scientific decision-making .

  25. 利用半控制实验生态学方法探讨土壤肥力对绞股蓝种群行为的影响。

    The authors examined the response of G. pentaphyllum population behavior to soil fertility , using the semi controlled experimental method .

  26. 本文主要探讨景观生态学方法如何应用于城市非建设用地规划。

    The paper mainly discusses that the method can be applied to the major cities to explore the landscape ecology of non-construction land planning .

  27. 文章运用景观生态学方法原理对山西省石膏山水库评价区的生态环境进行了评价和预测。

    This article uses the ecology methods and principle of the landscape ecology to make evaluation and prediction on ecological environment of the Shigaoshan reservoir .

  28. 本文以匍匐茎和根状茎型草本为材料,应用实验生态学方法研究了游击型克隆植物对异质性环境的生态适应对策。

    In this thesis , the strategies of guerilla-type clonal plants to adapt themselves to heterogeneous environments are addressed using both field and greenhouse experiments .

  29. 本文运用生态学方法,探讨了广州飞鹅岭、睡狮头岭园林绿地的生态环境效益问题。

    Using the ecological method , this paper studies the ecological environmental effects of the garden greenery on the Feie and Shuishitou hill in Guangzhou City .

  30. 运用城市生态学方法,通过建立一套可持续发展评价指标体系,对威海市生态环境发展情况进行评价。

    Through establishing a set of evaluative index systems of urban ecological sustainable development , the article evaluated the ecological condition in Weihai by applying urban ecology .