
  • 网络eco-environmental water use
  1. 论生态环境用水与生态环境需水的区别与计算问题

    Differences of concepts and problems of calculation in eco-environmental water use and eco-environmental water demand

  2. 河北省生态环境用水初探

    Study on Using Water in Eco-environment in Hebei Province

  3. 生态环境用水的界定和计算方法

    Definition of Water for Ecosystem and its Calculation Method

  4. 中国内陆干旱区生态环境用水研究述评

    Commentary of Study on Ecological Environmental Water Use in China Inland Arid Regions

  5. 生态环境用水研究是改善生态环境亟待解决的重大问题。

    Eco-environmental water consumption is an important problems demanding prompt solution in eco-environmental improvement .

  6. 保证生态环境用水;

    Guarantee that ecological environment uses water ;

  7. 考虑生态环境用水对电站发电量的影响分析

    Effects on average annual energy output of the hydropower station when water for environment is considered

  8. 生态环境用水研究现状、问题分析与基本构架探索

    On the Current Research Status , Problems and Future Framework of Ecological and Environmental Water Use

  9. 生态环境用水研究进展

    Progress on Eco-environmental Water Consumption

  10. 森林植被生态环境用水用林地实际蒸散量表示,全省林地耗水大致为346~477mm;

    Water consumption by forest-vegetation is shown using actual evapotranspiration , it is found that the total amount of the province is over 346-477 mm .

  11. 对生态环境用水的有关概念进行了辨析,提出了生态环境用水权的概念,并对其进行了界定。

    Some concepts related to ecological environment water consumption are analyzed , and the concept of water consumption right of ecological environment is proposed and defined .

  12. 研究认为,到2020年,我国水资源总量基本可以满足经济社会发展的需求,但生态环境用水难以全面保障。

    It is concluded that water resources can basically ensure the economic and social development , but cannot satisfy water demand for ecological environment protection in 2020 .

  13. 本文对生态环境用水和生态环境需水的概念进行了区分,并初步探讨了生态环境用水与生态环境需水两者之间的关系。

    The paper distinguished the conception of environmental water consumption and ecological environment demand , and discussed the relationship between environmental water consumption and ecological environment demand .

  14. 关中地区未来水源安排主要考虑城市用水、工业用水、重点区域农业及生态环境用水。

    Water resource arrangement in Guanzhong area is mainly to consider the city demand , industrial water , the focus of regional agriculture and the ecological environment water .

  15. 为此,本文以区域水资源复合系统为研究对象,从生态环境用水、水资源配置以及水资源预警管理三个方面,对区域水资源可持续利用理论及其应用进行深入研究。

    Therefore , with the study objective of water resources composite system , water using quantity of ecological environment , rational water allocation and early warning management are studied .

  16. 城市生态环境用水从城市湖泊环境用水、城市绿化用水、地下水超采恢复用水、城区道路洒水等方面进行分析。

    According to analyzing water consumption of urban lake , green spaces in urban area , recharge of ground water , urban street , calculates urban eco-environmental water consumption .

  17. 从生态学的角度出发,论述生态环境用水的重要组成部分&最小生态径流的概念及其计算方法。

    A discussion is made on some important components of ecological water consumption from the angle of ecology , including the concept of the minimum ecological runoff and its calculation method .

  18. 回顾生态环境用水研究的历史,指出了目前研究中存在的主要问题及今后研究的重点昆明市中小学生家庭教育消费调查研究

    The history of eco environmental consumption research are reviewed and the existing problems are proposed . A Family Educational Consumption Research of the Students in Primary and Middle Schools in Kunming

  19. 整体模型要解决的最基本的问题就是将水文模拟和经济优化统一在一起,当然,模型还应该包括对生态环境用水和社会系统用水过程的描述。

    The basic problem of holistic model is the organization of hydrology simulation and the optimization of economy . Of course , the usage process of water in environment and society system should be obtained .

  20. 对生态环境用水进行界定,分析陆地生态系统中植物与水分关系,提出区域生态环境质量是区域生态环境用水量的函数,二者可以用耐受性定律的钟形曲线表示。

    Thirdly , the definition of water using quantity of ecological environment is analyzed . The relationship between vegetable growth and water using quantity in a terrestrial ecosystem can be described by the Bell Curve of Tolerance Law .

  21. 包括需水保证率,水资源开发利用率,万元产值水资源用量,人均水资源使用量,废污水处理率,生态环境用水率和人均水资源量。

    The proposed indicator system includes water demand satisfying ratio , water resources development ratio , water consume per 10000 Yuan GDP , water consume per capita , waste water treated ratio , water consume of ecosystem , available water usage per capita .

  22. 工程的主要任务是向京、津、华北地区供水,且以城市生活和工业用水为主要对象,兼顾农业及生态环境用水的要求。

    The most part of water transfer from south is supplied for Beijing , Tianjing and the region of North China , and mainly for urban service water and industry , some part of water is for agricultural , ecological and environmental purposes .

  23. 通过实施雨水利用能够防洪减涝、增加水资源可利用量、防止海水入侵和缓解地面沉降、回灌脱盐、补充生态环境用水,对区域生态环境的改善起到积极的作用,同时能节约优质水源。

    The most effective way to restore the ecosystem is the rainwater utilization , which can prevent flood , increase the usable amount of water resource , avoid seawater intrusion , delay the ground sedimentation , doff soil salt , and recruit entironment water .

  24. 从生态环境用水的内涵着手,结合山西省生态环境的实际情况,将山西省生态环境用水划分为森林植被、水土保持、河流、城市生态环境用水4个方面。

    This paper first discusses the definition of eco-environment water consumption , combines the actually eco-environmental of Shanxi province , eco-environmental water consumption is divided into four types , including these of forest-vegetation , soil and water conservation , river and city eco-environmental water Consumption .

  25. 水土保持生态环境用水采用治理前后小流域对比分析方法,经水土保持综合治理后,减少流域径流深约为17.62mm(黄河流域)、27.34mm(海河流域);

    Based on correspondence analysis to small watersheds , soil and water conservation eco-environmental water consumption is indicated by reduction of runoff depth , the reduction of runoff depth is 17.62 mm ( Huanghe watershed ) 27.34 mm ( Haihe watershed ) due to the watershed soil and water conservation .

  26. 第一层次按用水类型分为国民经济用水、生态与环境用水、公共用水和政府预留水量,期限整体定为30年。

    According to the water use type , this level is divided into national economic use , ecology and environment water use , public water use and government reserved water . The using time of this level is 30 years .

  27. 首次提出了考虑经济社会部门最基本用水的水资源需求函数,应用计量经济学原理,提出了经济社会与生态环境竞争用水的经济社会用水的水资源定价模型。

    Considering the demand function of the basic water use in economic society and the application of measuring economics principle , the thesis advances , for the first time , the pricing model of competitive water use for both economic society and ecological environment .

  28. 以北京市为案例,对2000年北京市水资源的生态环境和经济社会用水价值进行了初步的核算,在实践中对提出的定价理论方法与模型进行应用与论证。

    The thesis takes Beijing as an example . A preliminary accounting is conducted as to the water-use value of water resources in the ecological environment and economic society in the year 2000 . The pricing theory , method and model are being applied and proved in practice .

  29. 生态环境建设与生态环境用水

    Construction of ecological environment and demand of ecological environment on water resource

  30. 因此,保护和改善河流生态环境,优先解决河流生态环境用水问题则成为我国社会经济可持续发展的前提条件。

    Therefore , we should protect and improve the river eco-environment and resolve the eco-environmental water requirement of river system , which become the prerequisite for the sustainable development of social economy of our country .