
  • 网络ecological psychology;ecopsychology;Ecophysiology;Eco-Psychology
  1. 同时,会议讨论了环境与生态心理学未来的发展趋势。

    Developing trends on environmental and ecological psychology were also discussed .

  2. 进化心理学与生态心理学的整合:理解适宜可用性(英文)

    Reconciling Evolutionary Psychology and Ecological Psychology : How to Perceive Fitness Affordances ;

  3. 生态心理学有广义和狭义之分,我们通常所说的是指狭义生态心理学。

    It has broad sense and narrow sense , and the latter is which we generally referred to .

  4. 其次是从生态心理学的框架下对荒野治疗进行重新的解释,拓展荒野治疗的发展思路。

    Second , form the framework of ecological psychology to re-interpretation the wilderness therapy , to expand the development of ideas .

  5. 生态心理学取向的情境观形成了不同于行为观和认知观的知识观、学习观和教学观。

    Situated perspective oriented by ecological psychology forms the different knowledge perspective , learning perspective and teaching perspective from behavioral perspective and cognitive perspective .

  6. 第四部分则是对荒野治疗进行重新的解释,从生态心理学的角度解释荒野的价值、荒野治疗的解释系统以及治疗的原理和期望的结果等。

    The fourth part is the re-interpretation of wilderness therapy , from the perspective of ecological psychology to explain the value of wilderness , wilderness therapy and treatment principles to explain the system and the results expected .

  7. 总结了近年来国内生态心理学领域的重要研究成果,探讨了生态心理学思想对于心理治疗、心理健康标准的影响,反思了生态心理学理论本身的问题及其对心理学发展的意义与价值。

    The author summarizes the recent studies of the eco-psychology , probes into the influences of eco-psychology on the mental treatment and the standards of the mental health , and ponders the issues in the eco-psychology theory and puts forward the values and meanings of the existence of eco-psychology .

  8. 生态认知心理学关注现实性的认知现象,强调心理学现象只能在“与境”中被理解;

    The cognitive phenomenon is paying close attention to the reality while according with ecological cognitive psychology .

  9. 从发展趋势、生态、心理学、政策法律、减灾体系等多方面提出蓄滞洪区的减灾发展方向。

    This chapter indicates , from the development trend , ecosystem , psychology , policy and law , hazard mitigation system , the development direction of hazard mitigation in store floodwater area .

  10. 基于生态设计及心理学的慢产品方法研究

    Research of the " Slow Product " Method Based on the Protection of Resources and the Psychology

  11. 青少年学生生态价值观的心理学研究

    A Study of the Ecological Values Among Adolescents in China from a Psychological Perspective

  12. 第三章医学美学的理论资源,分析了当前医学美学研究的理论缺失,提出了构建医学美学理论体系的理论资源,认为应该将生命美学、生态美学和审美心理学引入医学美学的研究。

    It analyzed the theoretical absence of current medical aesthetics researches , recommended theoretical resources for constructing theoretical framework of medical aesthetics . It is recognized that theory of life aesthetics , ecological aesthetics and psychological aesthetics should be introduced into the research of medical aesthetics .

  13. 生态哲学、教育生态学、生态心理学、生态语言学等理论为本研究提供了基础,为教学问题的理论研究和实践研究提供了可行的思考方向。

    Ecology of education , Ecological linguistics , Ecological psychology and so con providing a reasoned normal form to theoretical and practiced study of the english teaching problem .