
  • 网络Tulsa;Taunsa
  1. 巴军士兵在洪水通过一个婴儿横渡海峡,因为它们帮助人们从他们逃离村庄淹没在陶沙后,上周日,由于季风降雨巴基斯坦,2010年8月1日。

    Pakistan army soldiers pass a baby across a channel in the floodwater as they help people flee from their flooded village following heavy monsoon rains in Taunsa , Pakistan on Sunday , Aug.1,2010 .

  2. 后来梅里尔从陶沙大学(UniversityofTulsa)获得了社会学与经济学学位,然后赴普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)深造,获得认知科学博士学位,一路打拼,最后当上了谷歌公司(Google)的信息总监。

    After earning degrees in sociology and economics from the University of Tulsa , Merrill went on to receive a Ph.D. in cognitive science from Princeton and eventually became the chief information officer at Google ( GOOG ) .