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  • 网络ostrakon;pottery sherds
  1. 包含物主要包括碳屑、红烧土颗粒和少量的陶片。

    The pit contains carbon bits , pellets of burnt-soil and some pottery sherds .

  2. X荧光谱与人工神经网络相结合对陶片产地识别的研究

    Study of recognition of production areas for ceramic fragments by X-fluorescence spectrum combined with artificial neural network

  3. 对于牧溪谷的每个季节,该小组都已在每个地方设定了GPS,他们记录每一个具有考古价值的陶片,箭头和研磨石被发现的具体位置。

    During their four seasons in Range Creek , the teams had plotted the GPS coordinates of every site they 'd found and recorded the location of every potsherd , arrowhead , and metate .

  4. 利用LRS-Ⅱ型激光拉曼光谱仪对不同年代的古陶片进行了测试研究,用X射线衍射图谱分析确定了古陶片的主要成分。

    This article uses the LRS - ⅱ laser Raman spectroscope to test ancient ceramic pieces of different ages , and has determined the ancient ceramic pieces ' main constituent with X-ray diffraction atlas analysis .

  5. 采用塑料箱为容器对炉渣、碎石、碎砖头和碎陶片等4种基质分别在2、4、6d换水周期下,对富营养化水体中N、P的去除效果进行了研究。

    The removal performance of slag , gravels , broken bricks and broken potteries on nitrogen ( N ) and phosphorus ( P ) of natural eutrophic water body were investigated with PVC receptacles under 2,4 and 6 days of hydraulic residence time ( HRT ) respectively .

  6. 从出土的陶片来看,与宣汉罗家坝遗址新石器时代晚期的陶器较为接近,因此断定H8应是新石器时代晚期的堆积。

    The unearthed pottery is close to the Late Neolithic pottery from Luojiaba site at Xuanhan , which suggested that H8 is a Late Neolithic deposit .

  7. 拉曼光谱在古陶片研究中的应用

    Applying Raman Spectra in the Studies of Ancient Ceramic Pieces

  8. 已知年代陶片的穆斯堡尔谱研究

    The Mossbauer study on ancient pottery with known age

  9. 古陶片穆斯堡尔谱中的记年效应古陶瓷釉的欣赏

    A dating effect in Mossbauer spectra of ancient pottery

  10. 陶片中β剂量率的厚度响应

    Thickness response of β dose rate in pottery fragments

  11. 浙江余姚河姆渡古代陶片的穆斯堡尔谱研究

    Mossbauer study of Chinese ancient pottery

  12. 澧阳平原几处遗址出土陶片中稻谷稃面印痕和稃壳残片的研究

    The Study on Trace and Wreckage of Lemma of Rice in the Pottery in Li Yang Flatlands

  13. 其中石器120件(不包括石坯、石料和废料),陶片9000余片。

    There were 120 pieces stoneware ( excludes stones and the scrap ) and over 9000 pieces pottery .

  14. 陶片主要为夹砂红褐陶和夹砂灰陶,部分红褐陶上施加细绳纹。

    Pottery mostlyincludes reddish-brown and grey coarse potteries and thin corded pattern were decorated on part of reddish-brown sherds .

  15. 第一类为秦兵马俑上不规则的抑印陶文,风格粗犷,应当为用木片或陶片刻划成印后拍印到兵马俑上。

    The first should be inscribed with wood piece or broken pottery , they were stamped on the terra cotta ;

  16. 用两种不同的网络结构分别对两类地域划分的陶片学习和识别,对准确产地分类的样本,产地识别率为100%;

    Two kinds of structures of ANN are introduced to train and identify ceramic fragments in two classes of area domain , respectively .

  17. 间或夹杂着数量较多的烧石碎块、陶片以及动物骨骼碎片等等。

    There are a large number of burned stone pieces , pottery shreds , as well as animal bone fragments in the area .

  18. 本文测定了13个不同地区出土、不同历史年代和不同烧结工艺的已知年龄古陶片的室温透射穆斯堡尔谱。

    13 samples of ancient pottery from different excavated places and with different technology of production have been measured by transmission Mossbauer technique at room temperature .

  19. 结果表明,搀砂陶的导热系数明显高于泥质陶,并且同种陶片内部的导热系数相差较小。

    The result shows that thermal conductivity of sand-tempered pottery are obviously higher than that of pure-clayed pottery , while those of the same kind pottery pieces are very close .

  20. 为了准确地测定β年剂量,对陶片中β剂量的厚度响应(即积累效应)进行了研究。

    In order to determine accurately annual β dose , the thickness response ( due to the build - up effect ) of β dose in fragments must be studied .

  21. 钛酸钡粉体的制备过程和制陶过程对成品陶片的晶粒大小、均匀程度和密度等性质都有很大的影响,而这些性质又强烈影响着钛酸钡陶瓷的电学性质。

    The preparation of barium titanate powders and ceramics has great effect on the grain size and density of barium titanate ceramics , which influences the electrical properties of barium titanate strongly .

  22. 你也可把液体软陶倒在一张软陶片上,然后把图像放在液体软陶内,小心不要在图片和液体软陶间留任何空气。

    You can also apply the LS to a sheet of clay and lay the image into the ls , taking care not to trap any air between the image and the ls .

  23. 横向对比分析垣曲盆地与临汾盆地相关遗址陶片的化学成分,显示出在庙底沟二期文化时期两盆地间的陶土成分明显不同。

    In addition , through the horizontal comparison about the chemical composition of pottery between relative sites in Yuanqu basin and Linfen basin , it demonstrates that there is obvious difference in Miaodigou ⅱ culture period .

  24. 陶片化学组成的分析,得出该遗址除较特殊的白陶外,不同时期制作陶器的粘土成分基本一致,应为本地生产。

    According to the outcome of chemical analysis , it shows that except the special white pottery , the chemical components in different cultural periods are almost similar , which can be concluded that the pottery is made locally .