
  1. 张家界生态旅游品牌发展构想

    A Brand Development Idea On Zhangjiajie Ecology Tourism

  2. 珠海:打造生态城市品牌&专访珠海市环保局局长毛东信

    Zhuhai : create the ecological city brand

  3. 生态旅游品牌规划相关概念的界定

    On the Definition of Eco-tourism Brand Planning

  4. 黑龙江省农业生态旅游品牌建设研究

    Study on Heilongjiang Agricultural Ecotourism Brand Construction

  5. 规范了生态旅游品牌形象要素的设计理念与方法。

    And finally , the designing methods of Ecotourism brand image elements were standardized in this dissertation .

  6. 评价生态旅游品牌形象的指标为知名度、满意度、美誉度、推荐度和忠诚度。

    The appraisal indexes of Ecotourism brand image are brand awareness , brand satisfaction , brand reputation , brand recommendation and brand loyalty .

  7. 生态家品牌创立于2006年,总部位于上海,是一家集生态家纺用品开发、销售、以及加盟推广为主的国内家纺品牌。

    The " ECOH " brand was founded in 2006 , which headquartered in Shanghai , is a domestic brand of ecological textile products , sales promotion , and join development .

  8. 论品牌即关系&关系生态下的品牌新构建

    " Branding as Relationship ": Brand building under the eco-relationship

  9. 随后,结合新的品牌生态系统对品牌资产概念进行了重新界定,并提出了品牌资产要素构成模型。

    Subsequently , brand equity was redefined combined with the new brand ecosystem .

  10. 第三,万绿湖生态旅游的品牌意识强,但旅游产品种类单一,需要进一步多元化。

    The third , Evergreen Lake own a famous brand , however , the products of tourism are simple .

  11. 第三部分,采取实证结合理论的研究方法,对广西十万大山生态旅游区品牌管理模式进行了初步的探讨。

    Combining the theory with the practice , the third part discusses the brand management mode of , an ecological tourist zone in Guangxi .

  12. 通过服装品牌重叠概念的界定,从品牌、生态位、品牌生态位及顾客视角对目前常用的研究方法进行了评价。

    Give a definition of apparel brand overlap . Evaluate frequently-used methods from perspectives of the brand , niche , brand niche and customer .

  13. 第二部分,首先在阐明相关的基本概念的基础上提出了生态旅游景区品牌的定义并分析其内涵。

    The second part first gives a definition to the brand management of ecological tourist zones on the basis of the analysis on relative basic concepts .

  14. 最新的品牌理论&品牌生态理论指出品牌不只是静态的,更应该认识到品牌构成来源的复杂性、丰富性与整体性、整合性、生态性。

    The newest brand theory : brand ecology theory points out the brand is not only the static state , we should realize their complexity , integrity , conformability and their ecology natures .

  15. 建立了生态农业的品牌生产村、循环经济产业链等特色的生态城镇发展模式并取得了明显的经济效益与环境效益,实现了生态镇的良性循环。

    The characteristic economic development model including brand production Village , the industry chain of recycling economy et al . were established . Obvious economic and environmental benefits were achieved and the good cycle of eco-town became into reality .

  16. 环鄱阳湖生态经济区区域品牌的建设

    Local Brand Building on the Ecological-economic Zone of Poyang Lake Surrounding

  17. 依托生态优势打造绿色品牌实现产业化经营

    Build Green Trademark to Achieve Industrialization Management by Ecological Advantages

  18. 基于生态位理论的品牌差异化多维评价研究

    The Research on the Evaluation of Brand Differentiation Based on Niche Theory

  19. 个体品牌生态系统描述个体品牌的生存状态、具体行为及其生存环境。

    Individual brand ecosystem describes survival condition , concrete behavior of individual brand and its survival environment .

  20. 深层品牌观念就是品牌生态管理发展的品牌哲学,也是论题最终得以成立的本质依靠。

    The deep brand conception is the brand philosophic of brand ecological management development , and is the essentiality dependence of finally tenable thesis .

  21. 这些东西包括我提到的制造方面,生态系统方面,品牌方面,创新方面,以及自我吞噬的过程

    And that includes what I talked about in terms of manufacturing , in terms of ecosystems , in terms of brands , in terms of innovation and the process of self-cannibalization

  22. 品牌生态系统主要由品牌企业、供应链企业、公共组织、顾客等成员构成,处于品牌生态系统中的品牌企业及其他系统成员有着复杂的能量流动路径与资源配置规则。

    B.E. is mainly composed of core brands , supply chain enterprises , public organizations , customers and other members . In a brand ecosystem , there are so many complex energy flow paths and resource allocation rules .

  23. 四是提出了生态环境产业的生态环境建设品牌化、企业化和产业化三位一体的综合发展模式,认为实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益共同发展是生态环境产业的建设目标。

    Fourth , the author proposes establishing a comprehensive development model of ecological environment , enterprise and industry . The author holds that achieving the common development of eco-efficiency , economic and social benefits is the goal of the ecological environment industry construction .

  24. 本文在充分认识当今品牌生态学理论现状的基础上,从品牌生态战略内涵的理解入手,对品牌运作的生态理念、品牌生态战略的内涵及特征进行了深入的研究;

    On the basis of realizing current brand ecological theory , this paper researched on the ecological mind of brand operation 、 the meaning and characteristics of brand ecological strategy from the comprehension of brand ecological strategy ;

  25. 本文以生态旅游地为对象,对生态旅游品牌规划的基础理论进行了研究,主要结果如下。

    In this dissertation , the basic theory of Ecotourism brand planning , taking Ecotourism destination as example , was studied .

  26. 论文第二章从品牌生态系统的概念及构成出发,探讨了品牌的生命性本质,并应用品牌生态因子与品牌生态位的相关理论揭示了品牌培育的机理及品牌竞争的本质。

    Beginning with the conception and components of the brand ecological system , the paper firstly discusses the living nature of brands .

  27. 其次通过对企业成长理路、生态系统成长理论、商业生态系统理论、品牌生态系统理论的回顾,厘清品牌生态系统理论发展脉络。

    Followed by business growth principles , ecosystem growth theory , business ecosystem theory , brand ecological systems theory review and clarify the development thread of B.E. theory .

  28. 论文结合生态旅游景区的具体情况,对生态旅游景区实行品牌管理的模式进行了研究。

    This thesis makes a deep study on the mode of brand management for ecological tourist zones .

  29. 最后,利用已构建的旅游目的品牌建设理论系统对鄱阳湖生态旅游区进行应用研究,初步确定了鄱阳湖生态旅游区品牌建设具体内容及实施步骤。

    In the end , the newly built destination brand building theoretical system is used to conduct an applied research on Poyang Lake ecotourism area and initially determine the specific content and implementation steps of Poyang Lake ecotourism area brand building .

  30. 品牌管理者必须树立品牌生态意识,利用生态工艺学、生态规划学和生态管理学对品牌进行调控。

    Brand managers ought to have brand ecosystem concept and handle the brands from the perspective of ecological technology , ecological regulation and ecological management .