
  • 网络jahnke;jank
  1. 杨克开始一个阶段的培训时,往往先要把客户的说话内容录下来,然后和客户一起回顾检查,找出问题。

    In her coaching sessions , Jahnke usually starts by videotaping a client talking and reviewing it with the client .

  2. 杨克称:大部分人都没必要对说话方式全面大修,只需要改正一到两处就可以了。

    Most people really don 't need a total overhaul , Jahnke says . They just need to correct one or two things .

  3. 影片根据中国作家姜戎的同名小说改编,可谓一部3D史诗巨制。故事讲述了20世纪60年代,北京知青陈阵(冯绍峰饰)和杨克(窦骁饰)在内蒙古草原插队时与牧民群落相依相存的故事。

    Based on Jiang Rong 's novel of the same name , the 3-D adventure epic is about Chen Zhen ( Feng Shaofeng ) and Yang Ke ( Shawn Dou ) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with a nomadic tribe .

  4. 从这个意义上来说,我们不得不承认杨克是这个时代值得敬仰的真实的诗人。

    In that sense , we have to admit that Yang Ke is a poet worthy revering in this era .

  5. 杨克就是这为数不多的为灵魂与精神的事业而奋斗着的诗人之一。

    Yang Ke is one of the few poets who are struggling for the soul and spirit of the career .

  6. 这是一个不错的消息,特别是杨克,他的俱乐部表现和国家队的水准值得他转会到如此的俱乐部。

    " It is great news , especially for Janko , who deserves to move to such a club for his performance both on the club and international level ," said Skrtel .

  7. 文章的第一节是从杨克对现代诗意的开拓和诗所应反映的历史的真实一面这两点去证明杨克对诗以及诗歌精神的坚持源自于他灵魂的真实。

    In the first section , paper discusses that Yang Ke opened the modern poetry and his idea about poems should reflect the true history these two points , to prove that Yang Ke is insisting on poems and poetic spirit derives from his true soul .