
  • 网络Jinben;Kinburn
  1. 因此,出现了关于金本位喋喋不休的讨论。

    Hence that chatter about a gold standard .

  2. 迪乌夫和约书亚。金本赛季将被租借到别的球队。

    Mame Biram Diouf and Joshua King will further their football education with loan deals away from Old Trafford .

  3. 主人称赞了前两个积极理财者的表现,却把这个金本位支持者抛弃在“外面的黑暗”之中。

    The master praises his two active managers for their performance , but consigns the proto-gold bug to " outer darkness " .

  4. 金本《水浒》乃有清300多年来国人、东亚文化圈和欧美资本主义国家人民最喜爱的《水浒》版本;

    Jin shengtan 's edition of Water margin has been its most popular edition for over 300 years since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty among the Chinese , the peoples of the eastern Asian circle of culture and European and American democratic capitalist countries .

  5. 金评本《水浒传》的效果史研究简述

    A Summary of Studies on the Effect History of Jin Shengtan-Commented Shui Hu Zhuan

  6. 公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。

    The company 's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company 's staff and workers .

  7. 我亲手摸过那些金盘子,本。

    I held those gold plates in my hands , ben .

  8. 金鱼,嘉兴人最初叫为金鲫鱼,本是野生鲫鱼的变种。

    Goldfish , jiaxing people first call for gold and silver carp is wild carp varieties .

  9. 以关节镜为金标准,本组超声检查假阳性病灶45处,假阴性82处。

    By arthroscopy as the gold standard , false-positive ultrasound in this group 45 lesions , false negative 82 .

  10. 在一系列关于该书1927年版的电子邮件通信里,匹兹堡的图书管理员告诉里夫金,这本歌集是在一间大学的储藏室里找到的。

    In a series of emails about the 1927 edition , a Pittsburgh librarian told Mr. Rifkin that the songbook had been found in a university storage facility .

  11. 对难以直接氰化的复杂硫化物金精矿,本工艺提供了一个新的湿法冶金&浮选流程,以提取金和银并综合回收有价金属和硫。

    It has made a breakthrough in the field of hydrometallurgical extraction of gold and silver , and comprehensive recovery of metal values and sulphur from complex sulphides concentrates containing precious metals which are difficult to recover by single direct cyanidation .

  12. 采用磁选方法实现金的富集是本研究独有的特点。

    It was the unique trait of this study .

  13. 结果:与国际公认的金标准相比,本检测方法的灵敏度为93.5%,特异度为98.0%,符合率为95.8%。

    RESULTS : Compared with well recognized standard , the sensitivity and specificity of this assay were 93.5 % and 98.0 % respectively .

  14. 试剂空白低,选择性高。采用聚氨酯泡沫塑料分离富集化探样品中痕量金,并用本法测定,得到满意的结果。

    Combining with the separation and preconcentration of gold by polyurethane foam , the method is applied to determination of gold in some geological samples .

  15. 这种苹果将被称作“魔法苹果”在市场上销售,澳大利亚(西澳州)农业部部长金?钱斯于本周三表示,他希望这款“魔法苹果”能以其特有的品质畅销全球。

    It will be sold under the name Enchanted , and state minister Kim Chance said Wednesday he hoped its unique qualities would make it popular worldwide .