
  • 网络metal working
  1. 摩擦与润滑是金属压力加工中的重要因素。

    Friction and Lubrication are important factors under metal working conditions .

  2. 金属压力加工用水基乳状液的质量指标探讨

    Study on quality indexes of water-based emulsion for pressurized metal working

  3. 金属压力加工问题的流函数速度模式上限解

    Upper-Bound Solution of Metal forming Problem with the Flow Function Velocity Model

  4. 金属压力加工摩擦学中的模糊问题;

    Fuzzy problems in metal working tribology ;

  5. 金属压力加工中的摩擦与润滑

    Friction and Lubrication in Metal Working Process

  6. 面向21世纪金属压力加工专业教学内容和课程体系改革研究

    Reform Study on the Teaching Contents and Curricular System of Metallurgical Pressure Machining Speciality for 21st Century

  7. 在金属压力加工中,利用电塑性效应可降低金属变形抗力,增加金属成型极限,改善产品表面质量。

    Electroplastic effect can be employed to increase metal forming limit , reduce deformation resistance and improve surface quality of product .

  8. 本文介绍了用部分粉末冶金方法和金属压力加工方法加工镁基弥散型(镁-金;镁-氧化硼;镁-氧化铪)薄壁管的研制工作。

    A method using powder metallurgy and metallic extrusion to manufacture three kinds of magnesium based thin wall tubes of dispersion type is presented .

  9. 本文中以刚性微凸体与可变形微凸体的相互作用模拟金属压力加工过程中模具与工件之间的摩擦过程,并用上限法分析所提出的模型。

    Based on the interaction of asperities and upper-bound approach a mathematical model for simulation of friction phenomenon between dies and workpiece was proposed .

  10. 轧钢属于金属压力加工,说简单点,轧钢板就像压面条,经过擀面杖的多次挤压与推进,面就越擀越薄。

    Rolling pressure of metal processing , said simply , rolling plate as pressure noodles , after the repeated compression and Ganmian Zhang advance , the more of the rolling thin .

  11. 在钢材冷加工方面,有关塑性加工、金属压力加工、板料冲压加工的研究,已经比较深入,但是专门针对船舶与海洋结构物的却很少。

    In the aspect of steel cold bending , the research about the plastic processing , metal pressure processing and the sheet metal pressing processing had more in-depth , however , specifically for Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure are rarely .

  12. 连续局部塑性成形是金属压力加工领域的一个重要方面,具有设备投资少、资金转化快、能量利用率高、生产质量稳定、易于实现机械化与自动化、节材等诸多优点。

    Successive partial plastic forming is an important respect in metal pressure processing , which needs less investment , makes capital transform quickly , takes fuller advantage of energy , stabilizes productive quality , implements mechanisation , automatization easily and saves material .

  13. 金属带材压力加工中张力控制系统的探究

    Research on Tension Control System of Metal Strip Material

  14. 黑色金属压力冷成型加工中水基高分子复合润滑膜的润滑机理

    Lubrication Mechanism of Water-Soluble Polymer-Based Composite Lubricating film For Pressure Working of Ferrous Metals

  15. 冲压成形作为金属板料压力加工的一种工艺方法,在现实生产中得到广泛应用。

    Sheet metal forming , as one of the craftwork methods in stamping formation , is widely used in practical production .

  16. 本文以爆炸复合板的轧制为例,综述了金属爆炸复合材料压力加工的特点及其工艺、组织、性能和应用。

    The rolling of explosion bonded composite material is cited as an example to review the fabricating behaviors and processes , the structure , properties and applications of the material .

  17. 矫直是对金属塑性加工(金属压力加工)产品的形状缺陷进行的矫正。

    Straightening is a reclamation about the shape defect of metal plastic working ( mechanical metal working ) product , it is one of important sizing operations .

  18. 金属板材成形加工是金属压力加工的基本方法之一,具有很高的生产效率和材料利用率,在制造工业中得到广泛的应用。

    Sheet metal forming is one of the most important technique in the manufacturing industry . It is widely used to reduce the costing because of its high efficiency in productivity and the exploitation of the material .

  19. 以金属塑性变形理论为基础,分析金属压力加工过程中应力和变形不均匀分布的原因及产生的后果。提出了工艺设计和生产加工过程中可采取的防范措施。

    On the base of the theory of metal plastic deformation , the reason of stress deformation heterogeneous distribution and its results in metal pressure working were analyzed and some protect methods with process design and production were pointed out .