
  1. 制定图书情报一体化的政策、法规;

    Laying down the policy and regulation ;

  2. 图书情报档案一体化的学理基础探讨

    A Probe into the Academic and Theoretical Foundations of Library-Information-Archival Integration

  3. 浅谈档案、图书、情报一体化管理与企业信息化发展

    The integrated management of file , book and information and enterprise development

  4. 图书情报档案一体化信息管理的新趋势

    New Trend in the Integrated Information Management for Books , Information and Archives

  5. 流域开发企业科技档案、图书、情报一体化管理初探

    Primary View on Centralized Management of Archives , Books & Information of Watershed Development Enterprise

  6. 横向联合&档案和图书及情报一体化建设

    Discussion on the Horizontal Collaboration & the Integrated Construction of Archives , Library and Information Institute

  7. 高校资料室怎样才能做到专业情报的高效服务高职高专院校档案、图书、情报一体化管理探讨

    Ways for Departmental Libraries to Provide Effective Specialized Information Services ; On the Management of the Integration of Files , Books and Information for Higher Professional Colleges

  8. 关于图书、情报、档案一体化管理的新思考

    New Thoughts on the Organic Management for Books , Information and Archives

  9. 图书、档案、情报一体化的探讨

    Probe into the Integration of Books , Archives and Information

  10. 网络环境下图书、情报、档案一体化发展的思考

    On the integral development of library books , information and archives under intranet

  11. 企业图书、情报、档案一体化的知识管理

    Upon the Knowledge Management of Enterprise Library Books , Intelligences and Archives ' Integration

  12. 从信息特征分析企业图书、情报、档案一体化

    Analysis on the Integration of LIA ( Library-Information-Archive ) of Enterprise from Information Characteristics

  13. 基于图书、情报、档案一体化的信息资源共建共享

    The Information Resources Co-construction and Sharing Based on the Integration of Books , Information and Archives

  14. 信息时代图书、档案、情报一体化管理在欧美的新趋势

    The Conformable Management of Books 、 Files and Intelligence in Europe and America in the Information Age

  15. 在实践探索过程中,我国图书、情报、档案一体化管理将理论探讨中所得成果运用于实际,取得了一定的成绩,获得了很多实践经验。

    In the process of the practice and exploration , we apply the theory to the practice , and have obtained certain result from the integration management of library books , intelligence , and archives .

  16. 发展到今天,随着计算机的普及以及计算机技术的发展,网络环境下的图书、情报、档案一体化建设的研究也逐渐被提到了日程。

    Nowadays , with the popularization of computer and the computer technology , Study on the construction of the integration of library , information and archives in network environment has gradually been referred to the agenda .

  17. 在当前网络环境下,这种实王见图书、情报、档案一体化管理的趋势变得越来越明显,而且一体化管理也越来越具备可行性。

    The trend that realizes integrating the realization of library books , intelligences , and archives is becoming more and more obvious and the integration management is more and more feasible in the current network environment .

  18. 针对这一趋势,我们应当在思想上和技术上做好实施图书、情报、档案一体化管理的准备,以适应新的信息资源管理方式带来的改变。

    In response to this trend , we should prepare for the integration of the library books , intelligences , and archives in the thought and technology , to adapt to the changes brought by the new management methods of information resources .