
  • 网络Graphical Conversion
  1. 利用CAD的3D与2D的图形转换构建空间思维的方法

    Forming the Method of Space Thought through Making Use of the Sketch Conversion from 3D to 2D

  2. UML图表到SVG图形转换方法研究

    Study on A Conversion Method from UML Diagrams to SVG Graphics

  3. 用准分子激光诱导湿刻实现对GaAs的图形转换

    Transferring image to GaAs in excimer laser induced aqueous etching

  4. 准备全息图:利用安装在普通计算机上的专有软件插件,将3D图形转换成支持全息图的文件。

    Prepping the hologram : A proprietary software plug-in loaded onto a standard computer converts the3-D image into a hologram-friendly format .

  5. 函数RM展开式和CRM展开式的图形转换法

    Mapping Transform Between RM and CRM Expansion of Functions

  6. 我们已经使用了aftersave钩子来管理图形转换操作,而这些钩子在我们的模型内部使用了RMagic图形操作API。

    We had begun managing the image transformations with after_save hooks that used the RMagick image manipulation API inside of our model .

  7. 基于SVG标准的图形转换技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Graphics Exchange Technology Based on SVG

  8. 图形转换部分令该系统能直接使用AutoCAD等流行制图软件制作的矢量图形;

    The graphic transform software lets the display use the vectorgraph produced by popular plotting software such as AutoCAD .

  9. Hadamard变换和Haar变换谱系数的图形转换法

    The Mapping Transform between Hadamard Transform and Haar Transform Spectral Coefficients

  10. 采用选择化学腐蚀将光致抗蚀剂光栅浮雕图形转换到GaAs(100)面衬底上。

    The grating relief patterns of photoresist is then transfered to GaAs ( 100 ) plane substrate by preferential chemical etching .

  11. 基于IEC61970标准的EMS电网接线图形转换研究

    Research of EMS Power Network Diagram Transform Based on IEC-61970 Standard

  12. 应用Pro/E软件进行实体造型,由三维图形转换软件传递实体信息,在Visualc++6.0开发平台上采用OpenGL技术来对数控磨削成形车刀的三维加工过程进行动态几何仿真。

    Model information is converted by 3D graphic conversion tool after solid models building with Pro / E. The grinding process simulation is developed in Visual C + + 6.0 with OpenGL .

  13. ImageMagick工具包包含许多用于图形转换和操纵的实用程序。

    The ImageMagick toolkit contains a number of different utilities for graphics conversion and manipulation .

  14. 介绍了在开发和研究三坐标测量机和数控加工系统以及剖析AUTOCAD图形转换文件的基础上设计的接口软件。

    In the paper , there is an introduction of the interface software , which is designed on the basis of the development and research in three coordinate measuring machine , numerical control cutting integrate system and the analysis of AUTOCAD draw exchange file .

  15. 无法加载图形转换过滤程序。是否继续进行文档转换?

    Unable to load graphics conversion filter . Continue with document conversion ?

  16. 基于图形转换的构件组装研究与应用

    Research and Application of Component Composition Based on Graph Transformation

  17. 二进制图形转换文件的生成程序

    The Generation Program of Binary Drawing Exchange File

  18. 新型烧结机的仿真及其建模中的图形转换问题

    The Emulation of New Type Sintering Machine and Graph Transforming Problems in Modeling Process

  19. 板材冲裁和翻口工艺特征识别及图形转换的研究

    Stamping Feature Recognition and Graphics Transformation System

  20. 实体造型及其二维图形转换技术在包装机械设计中的应用

    Application of Solid Modeling and Its Planar Drawing Conversion Technology in the Design of Packaging Machines

  21. 图形转换的一种方法

    A Method of Graph Transformation

  22. 介绍了进行图形转换的方式以及如何实现图形的缩放、平移、还原功能。

    The paper introduced how to use database technology and dynamic generative graphics zooming , translation , and graphic reduction function .

  23. 此方法是将广告图形转换成一种编码,微处理机用该编码进行广告图形的控制。

    This method especially facilitates the transferring the diagram into the code in the up which controls the Advertising Display System .

  24. 提出了一种建立系统仿真模型以及解决有关图形转换问题的新方法。

    The paper presents a new approach to create system emulational model and to solve the problems associating with graph transforming process .

  25. 举例说明了将静态图形转换成动态图形及记录动态图形各种文件的格式与转换方法。

    It illustrates how to convert static graphics to dynamic graphics and how to record and convert file format of dynamic graphics .

  26. 研究“三状”的图形转换规律更有益于绘画三要素中的“塑形”问题。

    Research on the " three letter " graphics conversion law more useful for drawing the three elements of the " shaping " issue .

  27. 利用三维特征造型技术实现了链轮滚刀基本蜗杆法向齿形与轴向齿形的图形转换,为精铲刀廓形的精确设计提供了依据。

    By using the functions of3D feature modeling , graphic transformation for normal profile and axial profile of basic worm of sprocket hob is achieved .

  28. 结合整体的解决方案与具体问题用到的设计模式,形成图形转换模式,为今后的房产测绘系统的快速开发奠定基础。

    , Fully consider the solving mode in both overall and specific field , form one for the development of house property survey system in order to give space to rapid development in the future .

  29. 这里主要论述了将Pro/E自动生成的二维图转化成为DXF/DWG的方法,解决了图形转换中的线型颜色等因素不统一的问题,从而大大提高了作图效率。

    In this paper , the method of translating drawing created by Pro / E into DXF / DWG is introduced . The Problem of variance in the line style and color are resolved . Thus the efficiency of drawing can be improved greatly .

  30. DC格式的图形数据转换为。

    DC format into the one of .