
jiǎ miàn
  • mask;false face;false plane
假面 [jiǎ miàn]
  • [mask] 假面具

假面[jiǎ miàn]
  1. 如今,他的美貌于他来说,只是一个假面,而他的青春则成了一个笑话。

    His beauty had been to him but a mask , his youth but a mockery .

  2. 美丽的假面&论张爱玲小说对女性心理阴影的理性透视

    " Beautiful " Mask & Zhang Ai-ling 's thoughts on female mentality

  3. 联合国眼下还在努力摆出一副中立的假面孔。

    The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality .

  4. 该手册指导CIA“非正规军”构造不同的被设计来博得敌人的恭敬、信任和对其的影响的“假面”构造。

    The manual instructs the CIA " guerilla forces " to engage in different " false front " organizations designed to win the respect , trust , and influence ofthe enemy .

  5. 原因在于,目前互联网是一个假面舞会。

    The reason is that the internet currently is a masquerade .

  6. 用艺术的假面貌去美化丑恶,

    Fairing the foul with art 's false borrow 'd face ,

  7. 在假面舞会上作为装扮的服饰。

    A costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party .

  8. 最后,只能有一个假面骑士

    In the end , there can be only one Kamen Rider

  9. 装出假面目的人;冒名顶替者。

    One who assumes a false pose ; an impostor .

  10. 我以为要参加假面舞会。

    I thought we were going to a costume party .

  11. 更棒的是,你不用戴着假面具来八卦。

    Better still , you 'll be able to gossip without hypocrisy .

  12. 假面舞会之后我收到一封匿名短信

    Since the masquerade ball . I got an anonymous text

  13. 这世界是他的,他看穿了它的假面。

    The world is his , who can see through its pretension .

  14. 她不戴假面的时候什么样,白痴!

    When she 's not in disguise , idiot !

  15. 他冷酷的假面具之下隐藏着一颗被扭曲的灵魂。

    And that beneath the harsh mask he assumed lay a tortured soul .

  16. 为了他们,我戴上开心的假面。

    I put on a happy face for them .

  17. 戴了假面的超人才算是假面超人。

    A masked superman is a true Kabuto .

  18. 上千名戴着面具的狂欢者涌进了威尼斯大街,参加特殊的假面舞会。

    Thousands of mask-wearing revelers fill the Venetian streets and attend special masked balls .

  19. 西方悲剧非常态人物征象:小丑、疯癫、假面

    " Abnormal " Image Symptoms of Western Tragedy : Fool , Insaneness and Mask

  20. 但是现在,假面在我的内心中,守护着我的灵魂。

    But at present , In my heart , Mental Mask guardianship my soul .

  21. 请不要错过青岛最好的假面舞会,马上来购票吧!

    Buy your tickets now and do not miss the best party in town .

  22. 我从没见过他如此彻底地从那张小心翼翼的,有教养的假面具下解放出来。

    I 'd never seen him so completely freed of that carefully cultivated facade .

  23. 我必须玩这场愚人的假面舞会,继续装出若无其事的样子。

    I must play out this fool 's masquerade as if nothing is amiss .

  24. 我知道在假面舞会上你扮演的是黑天�

    I know that you were dressed as the black swan at the masquerade ball .

  25. 富丽堂皇的彩色,很多时候只是奢华的假面,用来掩盖事物自身的不完美。

    The sumptuous colors are sometimes only a mask that covers up thing 's imperfectness .

  26. 弗洛里达州的“流氓、泼妇和吸血鬼”主题假面舞会。

    Revelers at the'Villains , Vixens and Vampires'themed Masquerade March in Key West , Florida .

  27. 撕开他们的假面具吧!

    Tear away their veil of shams !

  28. 但琼森后来为了投合宫廷所好而去写假面剧。

    Jonsson congenial to court to try to get away but later wrote Norma drama .

  29. 假面舞会那晚梦娜就邀请过斯宾塞加入他们

    Mona asked Spencer to join the A-team on the night of the masquerade ball .

  30. 都是关于假面和秘密身份的

    all the masks and secret identities .