
jiǎ xiào
  • smirk;simper;feigned smile;pretend to smile
  1. 她朝我递来一脸假笑。

    She gave me a sickly smile .

  2. 假笑眼角是没有皱纹的。

    In a fake smile , there is no eye wrinkling .

  3. 当我告诉他那个消息时,他只假笑了一下。

    When I told him the news , he simply simper .

  4. 惨了,我逼真的假笑用完了。

    Oh , no. I ran out of fake laughter .

  5. 这个商人满脸假笑地招待客人。

    The businessman entertained the guests with a false smile .

  6. 嘲笑轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑。

    To smirk or laugh in contempt or derision .

  7. 但是一个训练有素的识谎者能够大老远就认出一个假笑。

    But a trained liespotter can spot a fake smile a mile away .

  8. 你们能看出哪个是假笑吗?

    Can you all spot the fake smile here ?

  9. 拜托!老师,你不要那样对着我假笑。

    C be on , professor , do not smirk at me like that .

  10. 他的脸上在假笑什么?

    What 's that smirk on his face ?

  11. 不要那样对着我假笑。

    Don 't smirk at me like that .

  12. 我不是指那些夹杂着咕噜声的假笑,而是美好优雅的笑。

    We 're not talking about a fake laughter with lots of grunting in the middle .

  13. 而且相比那些孩子阴暗的假笑,我更喜欢你们俩姑娘

    and I like you two girls way more than the babies with the broken smiles .

  14. 我不喜欢摆个姿势带着假笑一动不动很长时间。

    I hate to make a pose with fake smile in the face for a long time .

  15. 现在,你觉得怎么样了,先生?他含着谄媚的假笑问。

    " How are you feeling now , sir ?" he asked , with the subservient smirk .

  16. 他长着一双水汪汪的小眼睛,尖鼻子,脸上堆着不自然的假笑。

    He had small , watery eyes , a pointed nose , and wore an unpleasant simper .

  17. 眼含笑意的自然微笑比假笑要有魅力多了。

    A natural smile that goes through to the eyes is far more attractive than a fake one .

  18. 这名男孩就是网络红人加文·托马斯,中国人称他为“假笑男孩”。

    That child was viral internet star Gavin Thomas , known in China as " fake smile boy . "

  19. 他听到这话,便嘻嘻直笑,然后假笑,最后显得严肃起来,好象知道了点儿什么。

    So upon that , he smirked and simpered and looked grave and seemed to know something or other .

  20. 我不认为假笑不好这是成为一名好雇员的条件之一。

    I disagree that faking is bad it is part of what it is to be a good employee .

  21. 别人也会通过你的非语言信号注意到(比如假笑或缺少眼神交流)你是否在真诚地表达赞美。

    Others will notice , through our non-verbal communication ( such as a fake smile or lack of eye contact ) .

  22. 真笑完了,继以假笑,好把心里的痛吓退。

    When his real laughter had subsided , he continued with simulated laughter in order to scare away the pain in his heart .

  23. 斯科特博士说,研究表明那些整天“假笑”的客服工作人员心情通常很差且工作积极性不高,从而降低了他们的工作效率。

    Dr Scott said the research showed customer-service workers who'fake smile'throughout the day worsen their mood and then withdraw from work , so their productivity drops .

  24. 当我们由衷地高兴时,我们眼角的皮肤会皱起来,但是在社交场合上礼貌的微笑则是假笑,只涉及唇部的活动。

    When we are genuinely happy the skin around the corners of our eyes crinkles , while a socially polite inauthentic smile touches only our lips .

  25. 斯科特的团队比较了表层伪装(或假笑)和深层伪装的不同效果。深层伪装是指通过回想快乐的记忆来培养正面的情绪。

    His team examined the effects of surface acting-or fake smiling-compared to what was termed'deep acting ' , or cultivating positive emotions by recalling pleasant memories .

  26. 当我们由衷地高兴时,我们眼角的皮肤会皱起来,但是“在社交场合上礼貌的”微笑则是假笑,只涉及唇部的活动。

    When we are genuinely happy the skin around the corners of our eyes crinkles , while a ' socially polite " inauthentic smile touches only our lips .

  27. 那我可就不客气了&我会马上废了你这家伙的灰蓝色眼睛,让你那另人发疯的假笑再也笑不出来,把你这该死的送进地狱。

    Then I wouldn 't wait . I 'd smash your gray-blue eyes now and stamp that maddening half-smile off your face and send you to the hell you deserve .

  28. 钱德带莫妮卡参加工作派对,还和老板及老板夫人打网球;莫妮卡发现“工作中的钱德”乏味且总是假笑。

    Chandler takes Monica to a work party , as well as some outings with Chandler 's boss and his wife ; Monica learns that'Work Chandler'is a suck-up with an exaggerated laugh .

  29. 我们这里说得不是掺杂着不满的假笑,这里指的是是爽朗友善的笑声,电影里的那种笑声。

    We 're not talking about a fake laughter with lots of grunting in the middle . We 're talking about a smooth nice laughter , the way they show in movies .

  30. 不论是假笑、惨笑还是真正的不好意思的笑都能让对方放你一马的想法强烈一点。

    It doesn 't matter whether it 's a false smile , a miserable smile or a real felt smile , they all work to make us want to give the transgressor a break .