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  1. 结果:2.5d的假母囊胚子子宫移值后的妊娠率为10%,3.5d的假母囊胚子宫移植后的妊娠率为60%。

    Result : The pregnant rate after 2.5 days of the implantation was 10 % , compared to 60 % after 3.5 days .

  2. 方法:20只产过一窝的KM母鼠分为两组作为胚胎移植的假母,比较了2.5d假母和3.5d假母子宫移植的成功率。

    Methods : 20 female KM mice that had experienced one birth were divided into two groups and used as pseudo-pregnant mice for embryonic implantation . The successful rates of implantation after 2 . 5 days and 3.5 days were compared .

  3. 假黄牛或假牦牛精母细胞减数分裂及精子发生的研究本研究用睾丸组织切片和细胞悬浮液制备的减数分裂与联会复合体标本,观察研究了公牛扁牛减数分裂及精子发生过程。

    The Meiosis and Spermatogeny of the Spermatocyte form False Yellow Cattle or False Yak The processes of the meiosis and spermatogeny of Pian bull have been observed in this study using the meiosis and synaptic coplex samples prepared with histological section of testes and the suspension of cells .