
  • 网络auger recombination
  1. 模型考虑了载流子间散射、SRH和俄歇复合、碰撞电离等物理效应。

    Included in the model were the physical mechanisms such as carrier-carrier scattering , SRH and Auger recombination , impact ionization and so on .

  2. InGaAsP/InP双异质结激光器发射的0.95μm发光带和俄歇复合

    The 950 nm Emission from InGaAsP / InP Double Heterojunction Laser Diode and Auger Recombination

  3. InGaAsP/InP双异质结激光器中的增益光谱,阈值电流的温度特性及俄歇复合

    Temperature Dependence of Gain Spectra , Threshold Current and Auger Recombination in InGaAsP / InP Double Heterojunction Laser Diode

  4. 这样,其载流子一载流子散射效应可忽略不计,其俄歇复合较小,比用电中性近似求得的载流子分布的俄歇复合要小许多倍。

    The effect of the carrier-carrier scattering may then be neglected and the Auger recombination is much less than that of the carrier distribution obtained by using the neutrality approximation .

  5. 通过第一性原理的完整形式,基于全势能线性化增广平面波方法确定的精确能带结构和波函数,推算了技术上具有重要意义的窄带隙半导体超晶格中载流子俄歇复合时间。

    We present theoretically the technologically essential Auger recombination lifetimes in narrow-gap semiconductor superlattices by a fully first-principles formalism , based on accurate energy bands and wave functions provided by the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave scheme .

  6. 发现了预充过程中存在的强烈俄歇复合现象和电流抽取现象将导致预充电流注入的等离子体大量减少,因此不宜直接采用电流时间积分值计算预充电荷总量。

    Significant Auger recombination and withdraw current during the pre-charge process diminished the quantity of plasma injected by the pre-charge current , which demonstrate that the current integral during the pre-charge process can not represent the whole quantity of pre-charge .

  7. 通过计算分析了俄歇(Auger)复合、载流子间散射、禁帚变窄和端头区复合等各种因素对p~(+in+)结正向压降的影响。

    Auger recombination , carrier-carrier scattering , bandgap narrowing , and end regions recombination are analyzed by calculation .