
  1. 交联前后的FTIR谱图比较分析表明,PVA与戊二醛交联生成了酯键。

    FTIR spectrum showed that the ester bond had been formed after crosslinking reaction .

  2. 本文根据色性将n≤4的哈斯图进行了分类,并给出哈斯图与无向简单图比较图表。

    According to chromatic polynomial , this article categorize from Hass diagram of n ≤ 4.And that offer the compare diagram between Hass diagram and simple graph .

  3. 具体来说,本文的主要工作如下:(1)提出了一种基于UML活动图比较的回归测试用例生成方法。

    The main contributions include : ( 1 ) Propose an approach on regression test cases generation by comparing activ-ity diagrams .

  4. 用MDM积分法作点阵图比较蛋白质序列的同源性

    Graphic matrix comparison of protein sequence homology

  5. 方法:分析36例婴幼儿法乐四联症MRI所见,并与心血管造影和超声心动图比较。

    Methods MRI findings in 36 infants with fallot 's tetralogy were analyzed , and the signs were compared with the results of color Doppler echocardiography and angiocardiography .

  6. GIS技术具有信息量大,数据处理速度快的优点,做出的水系密度等值线图比较客观地反映了全新世以来平原覆盖层下地震构造及其活动的基本特征。

    Since GIS method had the advantage of large information and high calculation speed , the density isogram of water system made with this method reflects the seismostructure and its fe .

  7. 这两个饼图比较的是ABC公司2000年1月至2007年1月七年间男女员工在行政级别上的比例状况。

    The two pie charts compare the proportion of male and female employees working in executive positions in ABC Company over a span of7 years from Jan.2000 to Jan.2007 .

  8. 通过对吸附离子吸附曲线的分析、TEM图比较以及催化活性的测定,可知功能离子的预吸附有利于小粒径粒子的生长和均匀分布;

    On the basis of adsorption curves , TEM observations and catalytic activity analyses , it is found that the functional ion preadsorption is helpful for the formation and dispersion of small metal particles .

  9. 方法将15例Brugada波患者与20例右束支阻滞患者和20例正常心电图者进行心电图和心电向量图比较。

    Methods To compare electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram of 15 Brugada wave patients , 20 right bundle branch block patients and 20 normal electrocardiogram persons .

  10. 方法以优化的反应体系和扩增条件对临床分离的49株PA进行RAPD基因分型,通过指纹图比较与分析,确证医院感染类别与爆发。

    Methods Optimal reaction system and amplification condition of RAPD were used for genotyping of the 49 strains PA isolated from the clinical samples . Comparing the fingerprint to confirm the type and outbreak of PA nosocomial infection .

  11. 其次,为了保证系统的控制精度和鲁棒稳定性,设计了滑模变结构控制器,并与PD控制进行仿真图比较。

    The temperature change caused resistance changes and the influences of friction in high accuracy servo system are emphatically analyzed . Secondly , in order to guarantee the system control precision and robust stability , design sliding mode variable structure controller , and compare simulation diagram with PD control .

  12. 与MoCl5和配合物[Mo(Etdtc)4][MoCl5]的循环伏安图比较,证实正电位区的两个峰是四钼原子簇化合物中金属-金属键的氧化特性。

    Comparing the cyclic voltammograms of the clusters with those of MoCl_5 and complex [ Mo ( Etdtc ) _4 ] [ MoCl_6 ] , it was shown that the two peaks at the positive potential region reflect oxidation characteristic of metal-metal bond in the four-molybdenum clusters .

  13. 精神分裂症患者情绪图片刺激脑磁图比较

    Comparison study of magnetoencephalography stimulated by emotional picture in schizophrenia

  14. 三原子分子和更大的分子的能级图比较复杂。

    Triatomic and larger molecules have more complex energy-level diagrams .

  15. 利用了横道图比较法对进度进行了定量分析;

    Carried out quantitative analysis by utilizing crossing line diagram comparison method ;

  16. 剪下样板,放在胸架上试穿,并与图比较。

    Cut out , try on the dress stand and compare with the sketch .

  17. 组织结构图比较报告。根据职位排序

    Organization Chart comparison report . Sorted by position

  18. 据此,就几种典型信号给出了以实小波及复解析小波为母小波时的尺度图比较。

    Finally , comparison between the C-scalograms and R-scalograms of several typical signals is performed .

  19. 该温熵图比较直观地反映了混合物的基础物性特征,使对混合物制冷工质的热力循环分析更加方便直观。

    This diagram makes it convenient and straightforward in the analysis of the thermodynamic process .

  20. 老年性痴呆与健康老人的脑电图、脑电地形图比较

    A comparative observation of EEG and BEAM between patients with Alzheimer 's disease and healthy elderly

  21. 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童与正常儿童的频率竞争涨落图比较

    A study on the competitive frequency fluctuation structure of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal control children

  22. 住院期间236例酒精所致精神障碍脑电图及地形图比较研究

    The comparisons study of EEG and BEAM of psychopaths resulted from alcohol for 236 patients in hospital

  23. 小儿先天性心脏病与心肌病心脏移植存活者超声心动图比较

    Ultrasonographic Findings in the Survivals after Heart Transplantation for Pediatric Congenital Heart Diseases and Cardiomyopathy : comparative study

  24. 看下上面的图片,并和第一张图比较一下,看到什么区别了吗?

    Take a look at the picture above and compare it to the first picture , see something different ?

  25. 结论:与二维超声心动图比较,实时三维超声心动图反映了心脏肿瘤的一个真实的立体结构。

    Conclusions : Compared with two-dimensional echocardiography , real-time three-dimensional echocardiography could reflect the true stereoscopic structure of cardiac tumor .

  26. 在工程项目进度控制管理中,有一种实际进度与计划进度比较的方法是横道图比较法。

    There is a comparative method of Gantt chart among progress-actual vs schemed method which is applied to construction progress control management .

  27. 经与施工设计图比较验证,表明高密度电法工作的有效性。

    The comparison of the detected result with the design drawing indicates that the high density resistivity method is feasible and effective .

  28. 我相信我的电脑是对的,最后,这一个,它的等高线图比较复杂。

    But , I trust my computer . And , finally , this one , well , so the contour plot looks a bit complicated .

  29. 而左、右两侧肺通气分布则以右侧肺通气增加为主,占53.03%(70/132),与健康正常人肺阻抗通气图比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    The ventilation distribution showed that the right pulmonary ventilation increased predominantly , accounted for 53.03 % ( 70 / 132 ) of total lung ventilation .

  30. 供热发电机组的耗量特性是经济调度的基础,但供热汽轮机的工况图比较复杂,其实用性较差。

    The consumption characteristics for heating generating units is based on the economic dispatching , but the characteristic curve of the steam consumption of an extraction is complicated and its application is weaker .