
  1. 本文分析了TS公司项目外包案例,认为其成功的原因在于正确的外包决策,在实施过程中,用项目管理的方式,将包与管有机结合,有效地进行生产进度控制和产品质量控制。

    This paper analyzes the case of project outsourcing of TS Company , and deems the success as a result of the correct decision of outsourcing , which integrates outsourcing with supervision in the form of project management in the interest of efficient production schedule and quality controls .

  2. 长周期零件生产进度控制研究

    A study on production schedule control of long lead time key spare parts

  3. 面向生产进度控制的赔偿式协商模型研究

    A Compensatory Negotiation Model for Production Schedule Control

  4. 针对生产进度控制、物料控制和质量控制等生产过程中存在的问题,分别提出了相应的过程管理方法。

    For the production process control , material control and quality control in the process management situation , some methods are proposed .

  5. 论文从项目外包的角度阐述生产进度控制与产品质量控制全过程,深入剖析与这两方面控制相关的方式、方法。

    Seen from the perspective of project outsourcing , this paper presents the whole processes of production schedule control and production quality control , and it analyzes the modes and means relevant to the two controls .

  6. 进行了项目风险分析,并制定了风险管理计划,同时将风险应对计划运用到生产计划制定与进度控制过程中。

    We set down the plan of controlling the project risk . And we make use of it to set down the production program and control the progress . 5 .

  7. 钽铌制品企业生产具有产品多、工艺流程长、生产进度控制难、生产中物料积压、库存繁乱、流动资金占用大等特点。

    But columbium goods have the characteristic of much-manufacture 、 long technical flow 、 hard to control production schedule 、 material overstock in production 、 chaos stock 、 great tie up of money and so on .