
  1. 本文以印刷行业ERP系统中生产子系统的开发为例,详细讨论和分析了UML在印刷ERP系统建模中的应用和建模的关键技术。

    In this paper , methods of UML in system modeling are studied , and the process and key techniques of using UML in the ERP system for printed enterprise are described .

  2. 财务ERP系统的实施作为ERP的重要部分与企业的生产子系统、采购子系统、销售子系统、人力资源子系统、库存子系统、设备子系统都有着密切的联系。

    Financial ERP management system as an important part are closely linked with enterprise production system , purchase system , sales marketing system , human resources system , inventory system and equipment subsystem .

  3. 富腾所有的生产子系统,无论是否为霍尼韦尔公司的产品,都将与霍尼韦尔的Experion人机界面(HMI)集成。

    All of Fortum 's production sub-systems – both Honeywell and non-Honeywell – will be integrated into the Experion Human Machine Interface ( HMI ) .

  4. 针对过程工业的具体特点,讨论了计算机集成过程系统CIPS的概念、特点以及应用,然后着重分析了其生产子系统CIPOS的集成目标和集成的若干关键技术:计算机辅助实时监控、故障检测及诊断;

    Based on the characteristics of process industry , the concept , characteristics and application of computer integration process system ( CIPS ) are introduced . Computer integration process operation system ( CIPOS ) is studied in detail .

  5. 城市地理信息系统中数据生产子系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Data Producing Sub-System in UGIS

  6. 中部作物生产子系统总的能量利用效率小于1,南部农业系统则最大。

    Energy efficiency of crop sub-system in central part was below one and that of southern was the best of three sites .

  7. 目的数据生产子系统是城市地理信息系统的核心部分,为其他子系统提供高效的、标准的基础地理数据是数据生产子系统必须解决的关键问题之一。

    The Data Producing Subsystem is the core of the UGIS . It aims at providing efficiency and standard data for other subsystems .

  8. 它包括煤炭生产子系统、社会经济子系统和生态环境子系统,这三个系统是在煤炭开发利用过程中,通过人类劳动相互作用、相互耦合的有机整体。

    It is an organic whole , including coal production subsystem , the social and economic subsystem and the ecological environment subsystem , that is formation through the human labor interaction and mutual coupling in the process of coal exploitation and utilization .

  9. 该系统与企业CIMS系统的生产管理子系统、设计管理子系统,物资采购子系统等有机集成,形成了覆盖企业主要业务领域的质量信息反馈网络,实现信息流、业务流的统一。

    This system integrated with production management sub-system , design management sub-system , material purchase sub-system of CIMS , formed the quality information feedback system network which covered the whole company operation .

  10. 网络信息管理系统中的生产管理子系统,采用Client/Server结构,利用大型数据库及前端开发工具,充分发挥网络优势,全面解决该子系统的企业信息管理问题。

    Producing Management Subsystem is one part of the network information management system . By adopting Client / Server structure , using database and developing tools of client , and fully taking advantages of the excellence of network , we successfully solved the information management problem in the subsystem .

  11. 热电厂生产统计子系统的通用程序设计

    Generalized Code Design of Production Statistics MIS in Thermal Plant

  12. 生产物流子系统引用了虚拟现实技术对炼钢车间流程进行仿真包括生产流程模拟、人机交互和辅助决策。

    The subsystem of production logistics uses virtual reality technology to simulate steel-making workshop process , which includes process simulation , human-computer interaction and decision-making .

  13. 对协同生产计划子系统进行了功能设计和数据库设计,并详细描述了系统中重要功能模块的实现。

    After the design of the functions and database of synergic production scheme system , the detailed methods for the completion of the key functions in the agile supply chain synergic production scheme are described .

  14. 本文对洛阳建机公司生产控制子系统的功能需求分析、数据库设计和功能模块设计以及系统实现中的系统结构、关键技术和网络平台等重点问题做了详细的论述和说明。

    The paper provides the detailed descriptions and explanations on function required analysis of production control sub-system , database design , function module design and system construction , key technology , network platform in the system realization of production control sub-system of LuoYang Construction Mechanism Corporation .

  15. 根据ERP的管理思想,对ERP中的生产物资管理子系统进行探索研究。

    According to ERP model , manage to investigate the research with the product management in the sub - system of ERP model .

  16. 并且把许多功能做成了Web服务的形式,为以后系统的二次开发及与其它系统相互衔接提供了良好的接口。使得此生产计划管理子系统具有开放性与可重用性。

    Many functions in the production planning management system are built as the modules of Web services , which provides good interface for second development of the system and joining to the other systems .

  17. MIS决策管理层的形成以及生产经营决策子系统的技术特点。

    Production Technique of N , N-Dimethyl Formamide the form of decision management in MIS and the technical advances about production management decision subsystem .

  18. Experion通过整合整个生产厂内的子系统,统一运作,提高生产质量。

    Experion can unify operations by integrating subsystems throughout a manufacturing plant to improve production quality .

  19. 逐步开发生产信息服务子系统。

    Gradually develop the production information service son the system .

  20. 使得此生产计划管理子系统具有开放性与可重用性。

    Finally , the production planning management system was developed to support the built models .

  21. 企业知识管理系统包括企业知识生产与存储子系统和企业知识应用子系统。

    Two components of the EKMS are the Enterprise Knowledge Production Sub-system ( EKPS ) and the Enterprise Knowledge Application Sub-system ( EKAS ) .

  22. 子系统的设计还包括企业生产设备管理子系统数据库设计和数据库访问对象、数据对象设计等。

    Subsystem design also includes database design of enterprise production equipment management subsystem , and design of database access object and data object , and so on .

  23. 第四章对商用车信息平台的功能模块进行了简单描述,分别阐述了生产信息平台子系统、安技环保信息平台子系统和标准信息平台子系统的业务背景及其模块功能。

    Fourthly , described module function of the trade car information platform simply , expatiated business background and module function about production information platform , safety technic environment protection information platform and criterion information platform respectively .

  24. 在热电厂的管理信息系统中,生产统计分析子系统是重要的子系统之一,它为生产统计分析提供大量的原始数据和分析数据。

    Subsystem of production statistics and analysis is one of important subsystems of management information system in thermal plant . A great deal of original data and analytical data is provided by it for statistics and analysis of produciton .

  25. 探井生产管理业务子系统之间数据信息相互交叉甚至重复,但又各自独立,缺乏畅通的信息交流与共享机制,极大的制约了生产管理的效率和效果。

    The data needed in every exploratory well production management system are crossed and repetitious . On the other hand they are independent and lacks of information circulation and sharing . In this way the production management efficiency and effect has been greatly restricted .

  26. 混凝土生产运输浇筑监测子系统的开发与研制

    Development of Monitoring Sub-system for the Production , Conveyance and Construction of Concrete

  27. 通风系统是矿井生产系统的重要子系统,关系到矿井的安全生产。

    The ventilation system is an important system of the mineral well assistance . It related to the personnel ` s life safety in mine .

  28. 炼钢厂生产管理信息系统包括制造命令管理子系统、生产辅助管理子系统和工艺质量管理子系统。

    The Management Information System on production consists of management subsystem on making command and the management subsystem on production assistant and the subsystem on technical quality control in steel-making plant .

  29. 本文根据生产控制与能力平衡系统的总体设计思路,详述生产控制子系统的技术架构和逻辑架构的设计过程,并给出生产插单问题的解决思路;

    According to the overall designing idea of the production control and ability equilibration , the paper introduces the design process of technology frame and logic frame for the production control subsystem ;

  30. 在电力企业的生产管理中,设备管理是重中之重,是构建生产管理其他子系统的基础。

    Power device management is the basic and primary sub-system of electrical enterprise production management .