
  1. 用VB控件实现监控主机与PLC控制分机的通信

    The communication between both monitoring host computer and distributed measuring PLC by using VB control

  2. 监控主机采用双CPU的方式实现数据的采集、处理、显示及传输等功能。

    Monitoring host uses dual CPU to implement data acquisition , processing , display and transmission functions .

  3. 利用VB和SqlServer数据库技术,设计监控主机的应用软件。

    VB and SQL Server were applied to design application of monitor computer .

  4. 通过监控主机的GIS功能,工作人员可以很轻松的掌握并了解测控终端的实时状况。

    By monitoring the GIS of the host computer , the workers can easily gain and learn the real situation of the terminal .

  5. 本设计针对工业生产环境,利用USB总线便捷高效的优点,完成CAN总线至监控主机的通信;

    This design aimed at industry environment , made use of merits of USB , realized communication from CAN to field computer ;

  6. 实验中采用Internet作为电网监测仪和监控主机之间主要的通讯方式,实现了电网远程监控,得到令人满意的结果。

    In experiment , adopted Internet as the communication way between monitor instrument of electrical network and control computer , which realized the remote monitor of electrical network , and achieved satisfied result .

  7. 本文采用GPRS无线数据通讯技术、微控制器和监控主机三者相结合的方法,对基于GPRS通讯的抽油机群网络监控系统进行了设计与研究。

    This communication and control system of oil well based on the GPRS communication , micro-controller and computer is discussed in this thesis .

  8. 本方案使用基于现场总线的结构,方便工业控制计算机与可编程序逻辑控制器之间的通信。其中工业控制计算机作调度、管理、监控主机;可编程序逻辑控制器(PLC)作为运载装置的控制器。

    In this plan , the structure bases on the industrial field bus , which makes the communication convenient between the industrial computer and the programmable logic controller ( PLC ) .

  9. 本系统基于RS-485总线,监控主机和监控器之间采用自定义协议进行串行通信。

    This system , based on RS-485 bus , monitors serial communication between main engine and monitor by adopting self definition agreement .

  10. 目前,当被监控主机的状态改变时,relayd(8)还能够通过snmpd(8)发送SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol(SNMP)转移。

    Relayd ( 8 ) is now also able to send Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) traps through snmpd ( 8 ) when the state of a monitored host changes .

  11. 针对基于PLC的小型分布式控制系统,本文采用VB控件,实现了监控主机与PLC分机的多机通讯。

    Aimed at a small distributed control system based on PLC , this paper describes the use of VB control to perform the multi communication between both monitoring host computer and distributed measuring control PLC .

  12. 监控主机与PLC分机之间通过RS-232/422转换器进行通信,计算机与各PLC间的通信过程采用命令及响应的传送控制方式。

    The communication between the host monitor computer and PLC extension is carried out by RS-232 / 422 converter . The communication process between the computer and individual PLC uses the transfer control mode with command and response .

  13. 本系统利用计算机作为监控主机,采用可编程逻辑控制器PLC作为堆垛机运行的控制器件。

    The computer is as the host of monitoring and the Programmable Logic Controller is as a control device to the stacker . According to the system needs , the article has confirmed the recognition site of the stacker .

  14. 研究了以PC微机为监控主机,基于BITBUS现场总线的通信子网,并对现场监控单元、通信控制器以及诊断专家系统等硬件、软件进行了设计。

    , and the design of the hardware and software of the field monitoring unit , communication control unit and the diagnosis expert system have also been discussed .

  15. 文章介绍通过GPRS虚拟串口通信方式,以S7200作为小区采集器与远程监控主机实现无线通信。

    This paper introduced to realize wireless communication between the district collector , S7200 , and the host computer through GPRS fictitious serial port .

  16. 变电站自动化系统是由各种智能电子装置(IntelligentElectronicDevice,IED)和站控层监控主机等组成的变电站运行控制自动化系统,具体包括保护、测控、电能质量管理等多个子系统。

    Substation automation system is a substation automatic operation control system which composed of various intelligent electronic device and monitoring host in the station control layer . Substation automation system is consist of protection , control , power quality management and other subsystems .

  17. 本系统由一台监控主机(PC机)通过两个相距15千米的调制解调器和数据转发器以及基于RS-485串行数据总线的多台位移监测仪(前端机)和激光指向仪组成一个分布式远程监测网络。

    The remote distributed network system is made up of a piece of PC , two modems ( 15km away ), a data transferring instrument , many displacement monitoring instrument ( front-end apparatus by RS-485 serial BUS ) and laser emitters .

  18. 在生活垃圾处理中转站控制系统总体方案的基础上,完成控制系统软件的总体结构设计,开发压装设备控制系统PLC程序、触摸屏界面和监控主机软件。

    Based on the overall scheme of the garbage disposal transfer station control system , the overall structure of the control system software is designed to mainly develop PLC program and touch screen interface of the press-fit control system and to complete the monitoring host software development . 4 .

  19. 应用改进的V-detector算法生成检测器集合监控主机的网络流量特性,以检测蠕虫攻击。

    Secondly , the improved V-detector algorithm was used to generate detector sets and monitor hosts ' network traffic characteristics for worm attacks .

  20. 再加上自主设计远程监控主机的应用程序,从而实现了DCS2000-MRT到FCS2000-MRT的改进。

    All of these and the application software of the remote monitoring system realize the upgrade from DCS2000-MRT to FCS2000-MRT .

  21. 用面向对象程序设计方法及VB设计现场控制站、AI测点、DI测点、DO测点、AI-DO控制元、DI-DO控制元等多个类,并最终完成了监控主机的监控程序设计。

    Classes such as on-site control stations , AI points of measurement , DI points of measurement , DO points of measurement , AI-DO control unit and DI-DO control unit were designed by OOP method and VB . Finally , monitoring programming design of monitoring computer was realized .

  22. 采用了AI-DO、DI-DO两种控制元,由控制元的逻辑组合实现了在规定优先权顺序下监控主机控制算法。

    Two control units ( AI-DO control unit and DI-DO control unit ) were adopted . Through logic operation 's combination of control units in a specific priority order , a control algorithm of monitoring computer was implemented .

  23. 煤矿安全系统监控主机程序设计

    Programming Design of Monitoring Host Computer in Colliery Security System

  24. 通信组态能够实现前台设备和后台监控主机的双向通讯。

    Communication configuration can transfer data between the terminal equipments and monitor computer in both directions .

  25. 变电站自动化系统中常采用通信单元负责与当地监控主机及远程调度中心进行通信。

    Substation automatic system used comunication controller to carry out communication with field commputer and remote computer .

  26. 测试时需要使用三台主机:运行测试程序的主机,被攻击主机和监控主机。

    The hosts we need include the test host , the victim host and the monitor host .

  27. 该系统主要由监测传感器、数据采集模块及监控主机三部分组成。

    The system is composed of monitoring sensor , data acquisition module , and monitoring host computer .

  28. 本方案利用工业控制计算机作调度、管理、监控主机;

    In this plan , the industry computer is used as a center to attemper , manage and supervise automatic warehouse .

  29. 整个系统由监控主机单元和操控显示单元两部分组成。

    The whole system includes two units i.e. the monitor and control unit as well as the display and operation unit .

  30. 该系统硬件部分兼备了集散式、模块化、分布智能化交流采样和面向线路的技术特征,监控主机软件部分也采用了模块化结构的工业组态软件。

    The hardware of system has qualities of collecting and technology of face line , the software uses the model structure .