
jiān wài zhí xíng
  • execute a sentence outside prison yet under surveillance
  • execution of sentence outside prison yet under surveillance
  1. yorkshireforward在那里开了家面包店,福斯特同意让处于监外执行期的犯人和那些即将出狱的犯人为他工作。

    Yorkshire Forward built a bakery there and Mr foster agreed to take serving prisoners on day release , and those leaving prison , to work for him .

  2. 缓刑、假释及监外执行是非监禁化的刑罚执行方式。

    The probation , the parole and the execution outside of jail are the manners of implement .

  3. 怀孕或正在哺乳自己婴儿的女罪犯,享受监外执行的待遇。

    A female prisoner who is pregnant or breast-feeding her baby may serve her sentence outside of prison .

  4. 在本文中笔者将从实证的角度对暂予监外执行的情况进行分析,通过对四川省S市的实地采访调查,找出暂予监外执行中所存在的几点问题。

    From the angle of empirical analysis to a city of SiChuan , the author find out several problems .

  5. 第五部分是关于暂予监外执行检察监督制度上的完善与构建,是对第四部分中所提出的问题的解决。

    The fifth part is about the construction of the procuratorial supervision system . First is the construction for legislation .

  6. 在监外执行犯的社区矫正实践中,价值介入是促进犯罪人回归社会的重要价值出发点。

    In the practice of criminal justice system , value-involvement is an important factor that promotes the return of criminals to the society .

  7. 禁止令作为刑罚制度的一种创新,是我国监外执行的一种突破,其意义非凡。

    Prohibition order as an innovation of the penal system is a breakthrough in outside prison , which will play a major role .

  8. 两个大儿子终于被捕:小康奈尔蹲了一年监狱;科布判刑5年,监外执行。

    In the end both boys were arrested . Cornell spent a year in prison and Cobb got off with five years ' probation .

  9. 监外执行法律制度,从其创立至现在,走过了很长的历程,不断在丰富和发展,日趋完善。

    Probation system , from its founding to the present , came a very long process , being constantly enriched and developed and becoming more perfect .

  10. 犯人的周薪为20英镑,其中一些犯人正处于监外执行期。但艾洛特否认廉价劳动力是该公司成功的一个因素。

    The prisoners , some of whom are on day release , earn 20 a week but Mr Aylott denies that cheap labour is a factor in the company 's success .

  11. 本章主要讨论死刑执行与平等以及减刑、假释和监外执行与平等两个问题。

    It mainly discusses the relation between death penalty execution and equality , plus the relation between commuted sentence , parole , plus execution of a sentence outside prison and equality .

  12. 随着人们法律意识及对社会问题参与热情的不断提高,原属于法律较边缘的暂予监外执行问题也受到较广泛的关注。

    With the increasing improvement of the legal awareness and enthusiasm for social issues , the problems of temporary probation which originally belong to the edge of legal problems are given more attention .

  13. 越轨少年社区矫正适用对象是缓刑、假释和监外执行,不包括管制和剥夺政治权利。

    The application objects of the community correction of the division of the delinquent juvenile are the probation , the parole and the execution outside of jail , excluding the public surveillance and the deprivation of political rights .

  14. 对于怀孕或正在哺乳自己婴儿的犯罪妇女及有严重疾病的罪犯,人民法院可判处监外执行。

    For a female criminal who is pregnant or breast-feeding her baby , or a criminal who is seriously ill , the People 's Court may sentence the prisoner to serve his or her term outside of prison .

  15. 保外就医制度是指被判处有期徒刑或者拘役的罪犯由于身体患有严重疾病,不适宜在监管场所内服刑,经过取保手续而依法将其放在监外执行刑罚的制度。

    The medical parole system indicates that , the criminal who was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention serves his sentence outside the jail after legal procedure , because of serious disease which leads to no fit for serving his sentence in jail .

  16. 目前,我国减刑运作机制中存在着减刑标准过于量化、人为规定减刑比例、减刑权属不明以及监外执行罪犯减刑考察制度不健全等问题。

    At present , there are problems in the system of commuting a sentence , such as overly quantization of standards , artificial regulation of reduction proportion , unidentified right and the imperfect of the investigation system of the offenders executed out of the prison .

  17. 根据社区矫正管理中管制、缓刑、假释、暂予监外执行和剥夺政治权利五种类别的适用对象和各自特点,结合实际工作,分别就每一种管理类别给出完善对策。

    Under the control of the management of community corrections , probation , parole , probation , and temporary deprivation of political rights for five types of application objects and their respective characteristics , combined with practical work , respectively , are given for each category complete a management response .

  18. 人民检察院认为对罪犯适用暂予监外执行不当的,应当自接到通知之日起一个月内将书面意见送交批准暂予监外执行的机关;

    If a people 's procuratorate considers that it is improper to apply temporary execution outside prison to the prisoner , the people 's procuratorate shall send its written opinions within one month from the date of receiving the notice to the organ that approved the temporary execution outside prison .