
fàn zuì rén ɡé
  • criminal personality
  1. 犯罪人格在严重暴力犯罪中起着重要作用。

    The criminal personality plays an important role in severely violent crimes .

  2. 本文主要探讨了犯罪人格的概念、特征和内容。

    Crime Prevention in the Vision of Criminal Personality ;

  3. 结果加重犯的刑事责任的演变犯罪人格略论

    The Evolution of Criminal Responsibility of Consequence - aggravated Crime Criminal Personality

  4. 犯罪人格视野下的犯罪预防

    Crime Prevention in the Vision of Criminal Personality

  5. 论假释犯与缓刑犯犯罪人格的矫正

    On Personality Correction of Parolee & Probationer

  6. 犯罪人格是犯罪心理学体系中重要的组成部分,本文将其作为第五部分。

    The Crime Personality is an important constitution in Criminal Psychology , this article takes it as the fifth part .

  7. 犯罪人格的概念因为其丰富的内涵,能够成为划分犯罪人的科学标准。

    The concept of " criminal personality " has rich intension , and it can become the scientific standard to classify criminal persons .

  8. 目前,我国在刑事诉讼犯罪人格调查领域的尝试,主要体现在审判工作中的未成年人犯罪人格调查。

    Nowadays , the attempt of crime personality in criminal prosecution domain in our country mainly manifests in the criminal prosecution of the minor crime personality investigation .

  9. 刑事诉讼中的犯罪人格调查制度对于我国比较陌生,但是这一制度在英美法系国家生命力很强。

    The investigation system of crime personality in the criminal prosecution is quite strange regard to our country , but this kind of system is powerful in the UK-US legal system countries .

  10. 要遏制犯罪人格,必须净化成长环境,满足合理需要,加强人格预警以及对劳动教养、劳动改造的方式、方法进行深入改革。

    To prevent the criminal personality from forming , it 's necessary to purify the growing surroundings , meet reasonable needs , strengthen the early warning against criminal personality , and reform the methods of the correction and reformation through labor .

  11. 违法犯罪者人格多种方法研究

    A study of the measurement of criminal personality with multiple methods

  12. 父母养育方式与犯罪青年人格障碍形成的关系

    Parental rearing patterns associated with formation of personality disorder of young criminals

  13. 南通市犯罪青少年人格特点调查与分析

    The Research and Analysis of Personality Characteristics of Juvenile Criminals in Nantong

  14. 未成年犯的四种犯罪类型人格特征比较

    Comparison among Four Criminal Personalities of the Juvenile Delinquency

  15. 暴力犯罪和人格障碍的相关性研究

    A Correlation Study of Criminal Violence and Personality Disorder

  16. 智慧犯罪及其人格特征分析

    Analysis on intelligence crime and personality characteristic

  17. 对青少年罪犯教养地方的一种老式叫法未成年犯的四种犯罪类型人格特征比较

    Old name for a school for young delinquent Comparison among Four Criminal Personalities of the Juvenile Delinquency

  18. 同时关注说明犯罪人人格特征的行为类型。

    At the same time , it notices to explain the behavior type of offenders ' personality characters .

  19. 性犯罪组人格偏离主要体现于焦虑/回避型、偏执型和反社会型3种型别人格障碍;

    The main 3 types of personality disorder of sexual criminals are worrying / evasive , illiberal and antisocial personality disorder , respectively .

  20. 首先,对家庭教育缺失的分析解释了家庭对青少年暴力犯罪者人格的塑成起到的作用。

    First , this article explains the effects of a family on how the personality of young violent criminals shaped by analyzing the defect of family education .

  21. 目的:探讨女性暴力犯罪的人格特征,以及年龄、受教育程度、服刑前后婚姻状况对其的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the influence of personality traits , age , educational degree , and marriage state before serving the sentence on criminal behavior of female offenders .

  22. 正文部分第一对人格及其相关的个性、性格、品德等概念进行了辨析,并对当代青少年人格特点和违法犯罪青少年人格特点做了分析;

    The text part contains three aspects . The first aspect analyzes personality and its related concepts like personality , character and moral qualities , furthermore , it also gives an analysis of personality characteristics of the teenagers ' and those who break the law .

  23. 1557例违法犯罪者的人格研究

    A research on the personalities of 1557 criminals and law - violators

  24. 不同犯罪类型累犯人格障碍患病率差异无统计学意义。论单位累犯

    No significant difference was found on the prevalence of personality disorders in the recidivists with different crime type . Study on Unit Recidivist

  25. 结果表明,女性犯罪者的人格、应付方式、负面生活事件对不同犯罪类型的女性犯罪行为有不同预测力,不同女性犯罪类型有不同的回归方程;

    It is concluded that women criminals ' personality , coping style and negative life events have different predictions for different crime types . Each crime type has its regression equation .

  26. 犯罪中的人格问题是刑法学的重要内容,但是我国刑法学对于人格问题的研究由于受到科技、基础理论等方面的制约,起步较晚,相对滞后。

    Personality is an important content of Chinese Criminal Law . however , the issue of personality due to science and technology , because the basic theory constraints and has lagged behind .

  27. 对于犯罪嫌疑人的人格尊严,国家负有尊重和保障的义务,立法机关、侦查机关、检察机关和审判机关均是履行国家义务的主体。

    Our country has the obligation to respect and protect the dignity of the suspects , and the legislature , investigative , prosecution and judicial organs are subjects to performing the obligations of States .

  28. 根据访谈和统合型房树人投射测验结果,可从另一个侧面说明犯罪青少年存在人格缺陷及心理问题。

    According to interviews and Synthetic House-Tree-Person Technique results may be from another perspective , the existence of young offenders personality defects and psychological problems . 8 . the characteristics of juvenile delinquency are : ⑴ .

  29. 笔者认为人格在刑法学领域就表现为一种犯罪危险性人格,少年犯罪是少年危险性人格与致罪因素的结合,人格与少年犯罪之间存在着密切的关系。

    He holds that character in the field of criminal law is performed as a dangerous criminal character , and the juvenile delinquency is caused by the combination of the dangerous criminal character and the crime factor .

  30. 介绍了行为与人格二元定罪机制的运行方式以及犯罪危险性人格的现实评测问题,以期使其更具有实践操作性。

    Describes the behavior and personality of the dual mechanism of operation mode , as well as a conviction of crime the reality of dangerous personality evaluation with a view to make it more workable in practice .