
fàn zuì zhōnɡ zhǐ
  • discontinuance of crime;desistance of crime
  1. 部分共犯人犯罪中止问题研究

    A Study on the Issue about the Discontinuance of Crime of Partial Accomplice

  2. 在刑法总论中,对犯罪中止的研究较为深入,其构成要件也有较严格的界定。

    There is rigid illustration on discontinuance of crime and a strict limitation in its constitutive essentials in general provisions of criminal law .

  3. 最多就是犯罪中止呗。

    At most the verdict may be the halt of crimes .

  4. 论危险犯犯罪中止的时间性条件

    On the Timeliness Condition of Crime Discontinuance in Potential Damage Offence

  5. 犯罪中止时间性构成条件探微

    An Exploration on Time Constructive Conditions of Discontinuance of a Crime

  6. 教唆犯罪中止形态相关问题研究

    The Relevant Studies on the Pausing Condition of Abetting Crime

  7. 这是犯罪中止理论体系的基础性问题,也是核心问题。

    This is the basic and core question of discontinuation ofa crime .

  8. 论危险犯的犯罪中止

    The Research on the Discontinuation of Crime On the Discontinuation of Perilous Criminal

  9. 犯罪中止博弈分析的展开必须借助相关的假设和前提。

    The game analysis of discontinued crime must have some hypotheses and preconditions .

  10. 犯罪中止形态若干争议问题的再探讨

    Further Researches on Forms of Desistance of Crime

  11. 当犯罪中止与犯罪既遂、犯罪未遂和犯罪预备发生竞合时,一般情况应按中止犯罪来处理比较合理恰当。

    In this case , it is suitable to take it as suspended crime .

  12. 第一部分对危险犯成立犯罪中止进行了理论分析。

    Part One discusses theoretical analysis of qualification of discontinuation of potential damage offense .

  13. 另外,认为在提出非法利益要求行为之前的任何阶段均可成立犯罪中止。

    In addition any stage effort offering the illegal demands can constitute the suspended crime .

  14. 放弃能够重复实施的侵害行为完全符合犯罪中止的特征。

    Abandoning the repeated injurious act is fully consistent with the features of desistance of crime .

  15. 绑架他人之后,尚未开始勒索之前,应当有成立犯罪中止的余地。

    There should be room for discontinuation of crime between the act of kidnapping and the act of extortion .

  16. 中止犯的成立条件不能混同于犯罪中止的成立条件。

    The condition of discontinuance of crime is cant be confused the condition of one who discontinues a crime .

  17. 通过对危险犯犯罪中止认定的分析论证,笔者认为危险犯可以而且有必要成立犯罪中止。

    Through thorough analysis of qualification of discontinuation of potential damage offense , the author considers it necessary for potential damage offense to discontinue .

  18. 理论上的复杂性与实践中的模糊性,使得教唆犯罪中止形态的研究成为刑法学领域的绝望之章。

    The complexity of theory and the ambiguity of practice make the pausing condition of abetting crime " the despairing issue " in the criminal field .

  19. 比如争议极大的法定危险状态后,可否成立犯罪中止的问题。

    For example , after the occurrence of the statutory dangerous state , whether to establish the potential damage offense , which is the greatest dispute .

  20. 摘要犯罪中止行为是法律和社会赞许、支持的行为,与中止犯(犯罪行为)有着质的区别。

    Discontinuance of crime is approved and supported act in our country 's law and sociology , and it distinguishes one who discontinues a crime in nature .

  21. 犯罪中止与不能犯未遂的竞合,应以行为的有效性为尺度,判断其是否成立中止;

    Whether the concurrence between crime quitting and incapable not & realizing crime belongs to the desistance of crime should be determined by the validity of the behavior .

  22. 共同犯罪中止的认定,应以行为人自动停止犯罪并有效地阻止其他共犯利用其先前行为继续实施犯罪或防止危害结果的发生为标准。

    The determination standard of desistance of crime of complicity should be that the actor has stopped criminal acts with the previous acts or the emerging of harmful consequences .

  23. 首先介绍犯罪中止的概念,以及它与中止犯、中止犯罪等相关概念的联系与区别;其次从犯罪中止的历史沿革着手,阐述犯罪中止的起源和发展。

    First of all , the author introduces the concept of crime termination , the connection and the difference among crime termination , offender terminating crime and terminating crime .

  24. 而对于中止犯与未遂犯的竞合,应根据具体情况的不同,分别认定为犯罪中止或犯罪未遂。

    As for the circumstances of concurrence of discontinued criminal and attempted offense , it can be charged as desistance of crime or attempt of crime according to the specific situations .

  25. 其次,介绍犯罪中止,包括中止犯减免刑罚的根据、犯罪中止的特征和我国犯罪中止的成立条件。

    Second , it introduces the concept of crime suspension , including the suspension of criminal penalty relief under criminal suspension characteristics and the establishment of conditions for suspension of the crime .

  26. 教唆犯中止的成立条件是既涉及教唆犯理论,又涉及犯罪中止形态理论两个层面的问题,是两个理论相互交叉和综合得出的。

    The elements of abettor discontinuance is not only involved in the abettor theory , but also involved in discontinuance crime theory . It is cross and integration of these two theories .

  27. 犯罪中止不仅是我国刑法中的一项重要制度,在理论上,也是犯罪未完成形态的一种重要类型。

    The crime stops not only is in our country criminal law important system , in theoretically , also is the crime has not completed the shape one kind of important type .

  28. 首先,简单阐述中止犯成立的时间性要件,着重讨论危险犯的危险状态出现后能否成立中止犯,以及自动放弃能够重复实施的侵害行为是否符合犯罪中止成立的时间性要件。

    First , it introduces the time element , discusses whether the dangerous status creates discontinuation of crime , and discusses whether spontaneous abandon of violation behavior meets the requirement of the time element .

  29. 犯罪中止自动性的行为人必须彻底放弃其本次犯罪意图,在理解自动性时,应将其理解为中止犯的主观要件,作为中止意思的一部分来处理。

    Suspension of criminal acts must totally abandon this criminal intent , Regarding the automaticity , it should be understood as the subjective element of suspension of offenders and a part of the suspension .

  30. 对挪用公款罪客观方面包含的挪和用两个过程进行探讨,重点探讨了在用的过程中存在的五个问题,并对挪而未用的行为定性为犯罪中止或未遂。

    This part deals with two processes : diverting and using , which are contained in the objective aspect of the crime . It mainly expounds five problems existing in the process " using " .