
fàn zuì yuán yīn lùn
  • causation of crime
  1. 新时期女性犯罪原因论

    Research on the Cause of the Female Crime in the New Period

  2. 运用系统结构犯罪原因论分析了我国农村黑恶势力犯罪的成因。

    Systematic structural criminal reasons theory has been used in analyzing the countryside evil force crimes in our country .

  3. 有什么样的犯罪原因论,似乎就有相应的犯罪对策和方法。

    What is the theory about the criminal reasons seems there is the homologous ways and strategy about the criminal prevention .

  4. 他从基本道德出发构建犯罪概念、犯罪原因论和犯罪对策论,对西方犯罪理论产生了重要影响。

    He based his criminal conception , theory of criminal reasons and theory of criminal countermeasure on the basic morality , which have a deep influence on the western criminology .

  5. 犯罪学对犯罪本质、犯罪原因等的本体论追求,是犯罪客体化的产物。

    The pursuit , which criminology makes for ontology such as criminal essence and criminal causes and so on , is the outcome of objectifying crime .

  6. 最后,探讨犯罪场研究的理论意义和实践意义。第二部分:犯罪场与犯罪原因之关系论。

    Finally , the criminal market research to explore the theoretical significance and practical significance . Part ⅱ: the relationship between field theory and causes of crime .