
fàn zuì duì cè
  • countermeasure of crime
  1. 犯罪对策与刑罚措施&从自由意志与决定论出发

    On Measures against Crime & from the view of free will or determinism

  2. 抗制国有资产流失犯罪对策研究

    Study on Ways to Prevent and Control Loss of State Owned Assets Crime

  3. 第三部分:预防农村未成年人犯罪对策与建议。

    Part III : Measures to prevent juvenile delinquency in rural areas and suggestions .

  4. 预防跨国腐败犯罪对策研究

    Measures to Prevent and Combat Transnational Corruption

  5. 昆明地区预防公交车扒窃犯罪对策研究

    Kunming Bus Prevention Countermeasures Pick-pocketing Crime

  6. 金融犯罪对策刍论

    On the Countermeasures of Financial Crime

  7. 因此,犯罪对策的研究就成为犯罪学的必然逻辑。

    Therefore , the research on countermeasures to crimes has become an inevitable logic of criminology .

  8. 银行业职务犯罪控制对策研究

    A Research on Countermeasures to control Post Crime in Bank Circles

  9. 论网络恐怖活动犯罪及对策

    Research on Cyber - Terrorism Crime & Its Control Method

  10. 第四部分是我国少年犯罪法律对策的完善。

    The fourth part is my perfect legal response to juvenile delinquency .

  11. 商业承兑汇票诈骗犯罪及对策探析

    Swindling Crime of Commercial Acceptance Bill of Exchange and Countermeasures

  12. 惩治与防范国际环境犯罪的对策研究

    Study on the Countermeasures to Restrain the International Environmental Crimes

  13. 邮寄渠道走私犯罪侦查对策

    Countermeasures of Investigation of Smuggling Crime through International Mailing Channels

  14. 全球化视角下控制跨国有组织犯罪的对策

    Transnational Organized Crime and the Consolidation of International Criminal Law

  15. 控制洗钱犯罪若干对策研究

    A Research on Several Countermeasures to Control the Crime of Money Laundering

  16. 论城市入室犯罪的对策

    On the Countermeasures against Urban Crime of Entering a House

  17. 第六部分,交通肇事犯罪的对策。

    Chapter Six : Strategies for traffic delinquency crime .

  18. 信用卡诈骗犯罪及其对策

    The Defrauding Crime of Credit Card and the Countermeasures

  19. 西部大开发中的职务犯罪预防对策

    Preventive Countermeasures against Post crimes in the Western Exploitation

  20. 刑法手段、刑法外法律手段及其他手段构成了防范电子商务犯罪的对策。

    Criminal law and other laws constitute the main countermeasures of preventing E-commerce crimes .

  21. 现阶段暴力犯罪预防对策探析

    Analysis on Prevention Countermeasures of Present Violence Crime

  22. 未成年人犯罪刑事对策的探讨

    Probe into the Criminal Countermeasure to Delinquency

  23. 有组织犯罪之对策研究

    Study of Counter-measure of the Organized Crimes

  24. 预防未成年人犯罪的对策与建议

    Countermeasures to Juvenile Delinquency and the Precautions

  25. 和谐社会背景下的涉众型经济犯罪防控对策

    The Prevention and Control Strategies of the Type of Economic Crimes Related to the Public

  26. 论遏制流动人口犯罪的对策

    Countermeasures against Crimes Committed by Floating People

  27. 三是要精心研究这一时期遏制刑事犯罪的对策。

    Third , the countermeasures of containing the crime in this period should be studied meticulously .

  28. 第四章是提出防治城市农民工犯罪的对策。

    The forth chapter brings forward the countermeasures for the prevention of migrant rural worker crime .

  29. 源流、体系与功能:和谐社会中犯罪社会对策的新理念

    Root , System and Function : A New Concept of Social Strategies to Crimes in Harmonious Societies

  30. 有效控制流动人口犯罪的对策和建议

    Effective Control of Floating Population