
  • 网络Guilt
  1. 他感觉到她放松了,他有一点犯罪感。

    He felt her relax and had a moment 's guilt .

  2. 为赎罪进行自我惩罚我觉得自己呆在华盛顿太幸运了,晚上加加班也许是为了消除自己的犯罪感吧。

    I feel so lucky at being in Washington , that I guss I work off my guilt with the late hours .

  3. 每当我星期天没有去做礼拜时,我总有一种将会招致上帝愤怒的犯罪感。

    Every time I don 't go to church on Sunday I have a guilty feeling that I 'm going to call down the wrath of god .

  4. 现在你知道了,你也有了犯罪感!

    Now that you know , you 're acting guilty too !

  5. 我突然产生了一阵莫名其妙的犯罪感和恐惧心。

    I felt a wave of irrational guilt and fear .

  6. 多说不而不会有犯罪感-明确自我与他人的边界

    Said no more often without feeling guilty-strong personal boundaries

  7. 他心里有犯罪感。

    Guilt is part of his psychological make-up .

  8. 第二天,带着点犯罪感,他准备了帐单。

    The next day , still feeling slightly guilty , the doctor prepared the bills .

  9. 我们总是充满了犯罪感,羞耻感,忧虑重重。

    We are always filled with feelings of guilt , feelings of shame , with many worries .

  10. 你不知道那会污染环境吗?你会有犯罪感哦,天阿。

    ' Don 't you know that damages the environment ? 'And you feel so guilty ! Oh dear !

  11. 她的眼睛突然光芒灿烂,她的脸流露出喜悦,这使他朦胧产生犯罪感。

    The sudden brilliance of her eyes , the radiance of her face , made him feel vaguely guilty .

  12. 释放空间&当我们想起拥有的东西从来没有用过时,会因为没有用它,给自己强加一种犯罪感。

    Free Your Space-When we are reminded of something we own but never use , we can impose self-inflicted guilt for leaving it unused .

  13. 几百年来,一直都假定犯罪感是文明生命中有价值,甚至是不可缺少的成份。

    For centuries it was assumed without proof that guilt was a valuable , perhaps even an indispensable , ingredient of the civilized life .

  14. 对于我的情况,我还会查看书籍的价格,以看看我是不是能够不带太多犯罪感地让我的学生购买这本书。

    In my case , I also check the price to see whether I can , without feeling too guilty , ask students to purchase the book .

  15. 就好像经济方面的打击还不够糟糕似的,富裕阶层消费者据称还在遭受所谓“奢侈犯罪感”,对在这样的危难时刻还花5000美元买一只手袋之类的行为产生了负疚感。

    As if the economy weren 't bad enough , wealthy consumers are allegedly suffering from'luxury shame , 'feeling guilty about paying $ 5,000 for a handbag while Rome burns .

  16. 睡觉是一件美妙的事情,单身时没有人会唠叨着让你起床或者算着你晚上什么时候回家,抱着枕头睡上一整天也不用有犯罪感。

    Sleep is a beautiful thing . When you 're single , no one 's nagging at you to get up or counting the hours that you 've spent in bed . You are left in peace with your box fan and body pillow . Sleep all day guilt-free !

  17. 试析城市闲散未成年人的犯罪易感质

    Analysis of the Crime Sensibility for Urban Minor Idlers

  18. 犯罪易感质是社会个体在社会化过程中表现出的一种特殊状态。

    The crime sensibility is a particular status represented in social individuals during the process of socialization .

  19. 曹保平的犯罪片悬疑感更强,能直击人的灵魂。

    Cao 's crime story has a stronger drive , and at its heart it attempts to plumb the depths of the human psyche .

  20. 由此看来,在不远的将来云控制界面很可能成为某些有组织犯罪团伙最感兴趣的攻击目标之一。

    Hence , cloud control interfaces are very likely to become one of the most attractive targets for organized crime in the nearby future ahead .

  21. 信主以前,我犯罪但不感懊悔,听人讲述我的罪行仍然不知谦卑,即使承认错误亦不会因错而体验到内心的忧伤。

    Before my conversion , I could sin and feel no compunction , hear of my guilt and yet remain unhumbled , and even confess my iniquity and manifest no inward humiliation on account of it .

  22. 男性犯罪青少年自我价值感研究

    Research on Self-esteem of Male Juvenile Offenders

  23. 电影描述了在里约贫民窟犯罪的无望感。

    It describes the hopelessness of being involved in criminal activity in Rio 's favelas .

  24. 这也是英国政府对公众提供优质的警察服务、减少违法犯罪、降低犯罪恐惧感,增进公众对警察信任感而推动警务改造的承诺和宣言,亦为英国政府推动政府公共服务改革的整体政策之一。

    Therefore , Police Reform Bill is put forward . It is also the British government 's promise and declaration to provide high-quality police service , lower the crime rate , reduce the fear of the crimes and increase public 's confidence in the police .

  25. 本研究以男性犯罪青少年作为研究对象,以经修订的《青少年自我价值感量表》为测量工具,对男性犯罪青少年自我价值感的发展状况、影响因素及其各层次之间的关系进行研究。

    We conduct a research on the self-esteem of male juvenile offenders with the revised scale-juvenile self-esteem scale .

  26. 你可能会问,一个受害者,如何体会犯罪者所受的惩罚,或许你会问,罪责,如何体会这种惩罚,我对犯罪心理很感兴趣。

    Now the2 possible questions you may ask , ok , you may ask how does the victim of a wrong experience the punishment of the perpetrator or you may ask how does the guilty experience this punishment .