
fàn jìn
  • violate a ban;break prohibition;violate prohibition
犯禁 [fàn jìn]
  • [violate prohibition] 违反律令,触犯禁令

  • 儒以文乱法,侠以武犯禁。--《韩非子.五蠹》

犯禁[fàn jìn]
  1. 按照第7c条法规这是犯禁的。

    This is forbidden under rule7c .

  2. 犯禁的妇女将会被从附近的悬崖上扔下去。

    Women who broke the rule were thrown from a nearby cliff .

  3. 它甚至犯禁居心栽培的设法。

    It even proscribed the deliberate cultivation oflascivious thoughts .

  4. 皈依红尘:尼姑的世俗人生&从三言、二拍中的尼姑犯禁说起

    The Conversion to The World of Mortals : A non-religious life of buddhist nun

  5. 婚前的发生或存在于结婚之前的在你们的社会里,婚前的性行为犯禁吗?

    Taking place or existing before marriage . Is there a taboo against sex before marriage in your society ?

  6. 事件的起因是,一张队员犯禁的照片在巴基斯坦电视台和国际互联网上传播开来,从照片中可以明显的看出一名队员不但拥抱了女性,并且还开怀畅饮。

    Pictures run by a Pakistani television channel and posted on the Internet showed one of the men hugging a woman and another apparently drinking a beer .

  7. 他又深深倾慕古代侠士慷慨悲歌、豪迈不羁的生活态度和他们所奉行的“以武犯禁”、“不爱其躯”、“羞伐其德”的游侠精神,因此敢于蔑视封建秩序和礼教,冲击传统偶像。

    On the other hand , he adored the bold and unconstrained mien of ancient errant knights , who would sacrifice their lives for righteousness and never brag about their exploits . Furthermore , he was an iconoclast against feudal principles and etiqueues .

  8. 明中期,皇室生活逐渐入奢,增加了御用瓷器的需求,加重了景德镇瓷器生产负担;与此同时,民窑瓷器多有犯禁逾制之举,皇室威严受到挑战。

    In the middle of Ming , the imperial life became more luxurious and demanded more wares , which multiplied the burden of chinaware production in Jingde town ; Meanwhile , the civil kilns often broke prohibition , and the authority of the imperial family was challenged .