
fàn zuì huó dònɡ
  • criminal activities;crime
  1. 他犯罪活动的详细情况已从档案中删去。

    Details of his criminal activities were expunged from the file .

  2. 他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。

    Even in prison , he continued to engage in criminal activities .

  3. 警方将继续严厉打击犯罪活动。

    The police will not relent in their fight against crime .

  4. 警方正制订更严厉的措施打击犯罪活动。

    The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime .

  5. 这个地区是犯罪活动的温床。

    The area was a hotbed of crime .

  6. 这一犯罪活动实施得非常巧妙。

    The crime was very cleverly executed .

  7. 盗窃艺术品如今成为一种有组织的犯罪活动。

    Art theft is now part of organised crime .

  8. 内政部承认很多犯罪活动没有举报。

    The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported

  9. 总统可能会继续抨击民主党人对待犯罪活动心慈手软。

    The President could continue to bash Democrats as being soft on crime .

  10. 我所在的地区是犯罪活动的温床。

    My region is a seedbed of crime .

  11. 警方可能对该地区的犯罪活动进行定时的“扫荡”。

    There may be periodic police ' sweeps ' of crime in the area .

  12. 英国广播公司昨日为一部生动再现犯罪活动的电视系列剧进行了辩护,称其并没有窥探他人隐私之嫌。

    The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism .

  13. 犯罪活动在不断增多。

    Crime is on the increase .

  14. 尽管针对游客的犯罪活动有所减少,但犯罪率还是太高,令人担忧。

    Although crimes against visitors were falling , the levels of crime were still too high for comfort .

  15. 令人发指的是,他们教唆儿童参与犯罪活动。

    It is shocking that they involved children in the crime .

  16. 他被证明没有参加犯罪活动。

    He was cleared of taking part in the crime .

  17. 这个囚犯承认了他在这场犯罪活动中的罪责。

    The prisoner confessed to his part in the crime .

  18. 警方现在使用计算机同犯罪活动进行斗争。

    The police are now using computers to combat crime .

  19. 这部小说以犯罪活动为主题。

    This novel centres in crime .

  20. 批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施,认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的。

    Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks .

  21. 警方现在使用电脑打击犯罪活动。

    The police are now using computers to help combat crime .

  22. 随着Internet的普及,由于Internet自身的开放性、自由性,在互联网上发布、传播有害信息的问题日渐突出,利用互联网实施的违法犯罪活动也逐渐增多。

    With the development of Internet , because of the opening-up and freedom of Internet , more and more problems grow up , including broadcasting harmful information , crimines by Internet .

  23. WLAN监听是对WLAN进行监控和对利用WLAN实施网络犯罪活动进行侦察和取证的基础。

    WLAN sniffer is the basement of WLAN monitor and control and it can produce evidence of network crime .

  24. 银行ATM在我国大多数城市已经得到了广泛应用,但由此带来的犯罪活动时有发生,这也表明自动柜员机的设计存在某些缺陷。

    Bank ATM has been widely used in most cities of China , but the crimes it brings happen frequently , which shows that there exist some problems in the design of ATM .

  25. 塞布丽娜•奥利弗(SabrinaOliver)原先居住在巴尔的摩市中心,这一带的犯罪活动十分猖獗,她回家时还会在自家的门廊上撞见毒贩。

    Sabrina Oliver 's inner-city Baltimore neighborhood was so crime-ridden , she would come home to find drug dealers on her porch .

  26. 随着手机、PDA等各种移动电子设备的广泛使用,利用手机进行的各类犯罪活动日益猖獗。

    With the wide usage of many electronic devices such as mobile phone , PDA and so on , different kinds of crimes with the aid of mobile phone have been increasingly rampant .

  27. 然而,参议院的报告并未局限于刑讯本身,还记录了CIA在随后时间里采取了系统性犯罪活动以掩盖刑讯行为。

    However , the Senate report is not limited to the torture itself . It also documents the CIA 's systematic and criminal campaign over subsequent years to cover up the program .

  28. 这些犯罪活动如此猖獗,以至于那些用字母代替的街道得到绰号,“A”大街叫做“assault”,“B”代表“battery”,“C”代表“coma”,“D”表示“death”

    The crime became so bad in Loisaida that its lettered avenues got nicknames . Avenue " A " was for assault , " B " was for battery , " C " was for coma and " D " was for death .

  29. 拉杰:当然没有,我来这用的是H-1B签证,(H-1B签证:外籍人士的短期非移民工作签证)这也意味着我不可能跟任何形式的犯罪活动扯上关系,而且我也没有过。

    Raj : Of course not . I 'm here on an H-1B visa , which means I can 't any way with crime or criminal activity and I 'm not .

  30. BOL在过去也处理过这些问题,点击以下的链接可以阅读关于这些诽谤和犯罪活动的详细信息,以及过去Axact和BOL是如何通过法律途径来解决问题的。

    BOL has addressed this in the past and the following link on its website gives details of these defamation and other criminal activities and how Axact and BOL have addressed these legally .