
shì jiè jìn tóu
  • the end of the world
  1. 请问世界尽头农庄在哪?

    Excuse me , the end of the world farm ?

  2. 冰岛&世界尽头的冷酷仙境

    Iceland-Hard-boiled Wonderland at the End of the World

  3. 2007年“加勒比海盗:世界尽头”中的ElizabethSwann

    Elizabeth Swann in " Pirates of the Caribbean : At World 's End " ( 2007 ) ,

  4. 加拿大电影导演哈维尔·多兰(XavierDolan)凭借《只是世界尽头》(It’sOnlytheEndoftheWorld)获得评审团大奖,此奖仅次于金棕榈奖。这一决定引起媒体一片嘘声,他们在同一建筑的一个剧场里观看颁奖礼直播。

    The Canadian filmmaker Xavier Dolan won the Grand Prix prize , second only to the Palme d'Or , for " It 's Only the End of the World , " a decision booed by the press , who watched the ceremony in a live feed from a theater in the same building .

  5. 加勒比海盗3之世界尽头

    Pirates of the Caribbean 3 at World 's End

  6. 杰瑞:欢迎来到世界尽头,博士。

    Jerry Shepard : Welcome to the bottom of the world , Doc .

  7. 世界尽头的失落城市

    The lost city in the sea at the end of the world .

  8. 所以世界尽头才叫作曼哈顿

    That is why they call the end of the world " Man-hattan . "

  9. 帕布说,我想世界尽头相当远。

    Gobo said , ''i think the end of the earth must be very far .

  10. 凯开始怀疑可能走不到世界尽头。

    Xi was beginning to think he 'd never find the end of the earth .

  11. 而它的梦想是成为运载国王们到世界尽头的大船。

    His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end .

  12. 游戏简介:《航海纪元-世界尽头》既尊重历史,又脱出于历史。

    " Maritime era-the world at the end of " respect for history and the history of prolapse .

  13. 他是我们中的巨人,一个来到世界尽头的巨人。

    I think he is a giant come among us , here at the end of the world .

  14. 就在世界尽头雄狮流泪的地方.那是美梦诞生的地方

    At the end of the world where the lions weep . Here is the place dreams are born .

  15. 神一样的战士,为了即将到来的时刻,直到世界尽头。

    Like the soldiers of God , in order of what will be , until the end of the world .

  16. 乌斯怀亚是去往南极洲经过的最后一个港口,是通往世界尽头的门户。

    The last port for ships headed to Antarctica , Ushuaia is the gateway to the end of the world .

  17. 这样的与甚至让人不想打伞,就如此漫步,走到世界尽头。

    Such rain gives me no willingness to use my umbrella , but readiness to wander , towards the End .

  18. 他甘愿为了他的朋友和家庭走到世界尽头,而且他总是活的非常有激情。

    He would go to the end of the earth for his friends and family and live life very passionately .

  19. 那小船里的人都深信自己正看到世界尽头的外边阿斯兰的国土了。

    No one in that boat doubted chat they were seeing beyond the End of the World into Aslan 's country .

  20. 突然,他心生怪异的狂念,决定再看看世界尽头一眼。

    Suddenly a strange madness took hold of him , a yearning to look once more off the end of the world .

  21. 欧元区的普遍情况是,每个国家都表现得像是世界尽头的小型开放经济体。

    As is so typical in the eurozone , each country behaves like a small open economy at the edge of the world .

  22. 你不是.万事通博士说她在世界尽头

    You are not her.Dr.Know told me that she would be here at the lost city in the sea at the end of the world

  23. 约翰尼·德普则凭借着《加勒比海盗:世界尽头》和《理发师陶德》梅开二度同时获得了最佳喜剧表演奖同最佳反面人物奖。

    Johnny Depp accepted trophies for best comedic performance for Pirates of the Caribbean : At World 's End and for best villain for Sweeney Todd .

  24. 出席《加勒比海盗:世界尽头》的影评人士被告知不允许携带具有拍摄功能的手机入场。

    Critics attending press screenings of Pirates of the Caribbean : At World 's End were not permitted to bring cell phones if they included cameras into the theater with them .

  25. 露茜相信他们以前根本没见过船或人&他们身处世界尽头外边的海洋里,从来没有船到过那儿,怎么见识得到呢?

    Lucy felt sure they had never seen a ship or a human before - and how should they , in seas beyond the world 's end where no ship ever came ?

  26. 但无论如何,我一直试着把我的服装保持在合理的价位,人们也的确买得起我的衣服。我有一间叫世界尽头的店,那里出售的衣服都非常便宜。

    Anyway , I always try to make my clothes affordable , and they actually are affordable . I 've got this shop , World 's End , that has incredibly good prices .

  27. QQ杰伦爱原创爱情QQ分组名称:世界的尽头、你会陪我去么。

    Love QQ grouping name : The world terminus , you will accompany me to go .

  28. 我看到的世界没有尽头,没有你。

    The world I can see isa nowhere land without you .

  29. 为什么世界没有尽头?

    Because the Earth is round , no beginning , no end .

  30. 世界的尽头,是什么?

    The end of the world , what is it ?