
  • 网络Ophelia
  1. 我不想把她变成奥菲莉娅。

    I don 't want to make her into an ophelia .

  2. 我多么希望有一天能看见你演的奥菲莉娅。

    I would so like some day to see your ophelia .

  3. 我是演奥菲莉娅,我只是有点烦了。

    I 'm ophelia . I just get so sick of playing her .

  4. 我演的是奥菲莉娅。

    I 'm playing the part of Ophelia .

  5. 第二章主要探讨《哈姆雷特》中奥菲莉娅和乔特鲁德两个形象的塑造。奥菲莉娅是一位安静且充满爱的女性,对父兄有着绝对的尊敬与听从。

    The second chapter is designed to analyze Ophelia and Gertrude in Hamlet : Ophelia is a silent and loving female , who absolutely submits herself to her father and brother .