
  • 网络Orbis;Orbis International
  1. 奥比斯一直在努力拉近国家间的关系。

    ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countries .

  2. 奥比斯是一个国际慈善组织。

    ORBIS is an international charitableorganization .

  3. 奥比斯用一个飞行的眼科医院,到访那些贫穷的国家。

    ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries .

  4. 加州理工大学,圣路易斯奥比斯波,加州。

    California Polytechnic State University , San Luis Obispo , California .

  5. 奥比斯公司是一家从事设计和制造可回收塑料包装。

    ORBIS Corporation is engaged in designing and manufacturing returnable plastic packaging .

  6. 圣路易斯奥比斯波县在这里骑自行车是非常受欢迎。

    San Luis Obispo County is THE place where biking is immensely popular .

  7. 苹果农场酒店和餐厅,圣路易斯奥比斯珀,加州&臭氧洗衣系统。

    Apple Farm Inn & Restaurant , San Luis Obispo , CA-Laundry system .

  8. 奥比斯组织治疗盲人。

    The Orbis organization cure people who are blind .

  9. 我们希望人们通过向奥比斯捐助支持我们的工作。

    We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS .

  10. 奥比斯是一个帮助盲人的慈善机构。

    ORBIS is a charity that helps blind people .

  11. 因为奥比斯是慈善机构,所以病人不需要付费。

    The patients do not have to pay because ORBIS is a charity .

  12. 国际奥比斯援建项目经理黄回忆雯参加了授牌仪式。

    International Aobisi constructed project manager the yellow recollection cloud patterns to participate has given the sign ceremony .

  13. 这是一个事实圣路易斯奥比斯波县是很出名的不同地形。

    It is a fact that San Luis Obispo County is quite known for it 's diverse topography .

  14. 与圣路易斯-奥比斯波不同,蒙特里的市民没有很高的家庭收入,也不能享受良好的医疗照顾。

    Unlike San Luis Obispans , the people of Monterrey don 't enjoy high household incomes or access to good healthcare .

  15. 当搜寻电邮警报时,我们发现一部叫《美国人在中国》的电影总被提及。2008年的圣路易斯奥比斯波电影节给这部电影颁发了几个奖项。

    While trawling through email alerts we found mention of a movie called An American in China that won some award at the2008 San Luis Obispo film festival .

  16. 据2008年盖洛普-健康方式的一项调查,住在圣路易斯-奥比斯波的人们比美国其他城市的居民更会笑,更会享受快乐,而不太可能经历痛苦和绝望。

    According to a 2008 Gallup-Healthways study , people who live in San Luis Obispo are more likely than residents of other U.S. cities to smile and experience joy and are less likely to experience pain or depression .

  17. 安德鲁斯发现,“附近种着庄稼,人们走路上学、上班的中等规模的城市,”其能源使用效率较高,例如加利福尼亚州的圣路易斯-奥比斯保、纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯以及荷兰的小镇代尔夫特。

    Mr. Andrews tends to find greater energy efficiency among " modest-sized cities that still have crops growing nearby and where you can walk to school or work , " such as San Luis Obispo , Calif. , Saratoga Springs , N.Y. , and the Dutch town of Delft .