
  • 网络Hamiltonian graph;hamilton graph;hamiltonian
  1. 本文给出了判定阈图是否为哈密顿图的多项式时间算法,并证明了阈图上STEINER树问题是NP-完全的,给出解答它的多项式时间近似算法。

    This paper presents a polynomial algorithm to determine whether a threshold graph is a Hamiltonian graph . It is also shown that STEINER tree problem in threshold graph is NP-complete and a polynomial approximate algorithm for it is proposed .

  2. 不含K~3的哈密顿图的次序列

    The degree sequence of Hamiltonian graph of not containing k ~ 3

  3. 本文证明了:不含K~3的图类中,如果简单图G的次序列是■■,其中r≥5,则G是哈密顿图。

    In this article We have proved that , if a simple graph G doesnot containing K ~ 3 as a subgraph and its degree sequence is ■(?) in which r ≥ 5 , then G is hamiltonian .

  4. 一类哈密顿图的控制数的上界

    Upper Bounds for the Domination Number of a Kind of Hamiltonian Graphs

  5. 运用哈密顿图进行基于事例推理中的改写

    Apply Hamilton Graph to the Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning

  6. 哈密顿图和欧拉图的一种判别方法

    A Distinguishing Method of Hamilton Graphs and Euler Graphs

  7. 哈密顿图的邻域交和邻域并条件

    Neighborhood Intersection and Neighborhood Union Conditions for Hamiltonian Graphs

  8. 本文探讨了哈密顿图的性质,并根据这些性质给出了若干种判定非哈密顿图的方法。

    This paper mainly concerns the properties of Hamilton graph and some methods of judgment based on them .

  9. 在已有文献的基础上,讨论度在图论其它方面,诸如在圈、哈密顿图、匹配中的应用。

    This paper discusses the application of degree in other aspects of graph theory , such as cycle , Hamiltonian graph and matching on the base of reference .

  10. 对称群上的一类哈密顿Cayley图

    A Class of Hamiltonian Cayley Graphs on the Symmetric Group

  11. 哈密顿线图中2-因子的分支数

    The Components of 2-factors in Hamiltonian Line Graphs

  12. 哈密顿线图的两个充分条件

    Two Sufficient Conditions for Hamiltonian Line Graphs

  13. 哈密顿平面图的一个判定算法

    A planarity testing algorithm of Hamiltonian graph

  14. 对哈密顿线图的研究进行了理论推广。

    Sufficient and necessary conditions for Hamiltonian line graphs are studied and the conditions are weakened .