
  • 网络haverford college;Haverford College Haverford, PA
  1. 宾夕法尼亚州哈弗福德学院(HaverfordCollege)的研究人员发现,与伴侣分离时想念伴侣的人对双方的关系更投入,更努力地呵护这种关系并避免出现欺骗等破坏行为。

    Researchers at Haverford College , in Pennsylvania , found people who missed their partners when apart from them were more committed to the relationship , worked harder to take care of it and avoided damaging behavior such as cheating .

  2. 这项研究的作者之一,来自哈弗福德学院的社会心理学家本杰明乐讲道:谈到在脸谱网上公开情感一事,好事也会有过度的时候。

    As one of the authors of the study , Haverford College social psychologist Dr. Benjamin Le , put it : When it comes to relationship disclosure on Facebook , there can be too much of a good thing .

  3. 该研究的论文去年发表于《社会与个人关系》(JournalofSocialandPersonalRelationships)杂志。论文主要作者、哈弗福德学院的心理学副教授本杰明•勒(BenjaminLe)说,“想念促使你去努力维护你的社会关系。”

    Missing prompts you to maintain your social connection , ' says Benjamin Le , associate professor of psychology at Haverford and lead author of the study , published last year in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships .

  4. ,我也认为对于哈弗福德学院来说,这样的结果是不折不扣的失败。任何一个认为有必要聆听多种观点并相互尊重的人——我想我们大多是这样的人,都不会觉得这是场胜利。”

    g with the views of many others in higher education , I regard this outcome as a defeat , pure and simple , for Haverford - no victory for anyone who believes , as I think most of us do , in both openness to many points of view and mutual respect . "