
  • 网络easton;David Easton
  1. 伊斯顿先生在一次事故中重度伤残,不得不离职。

    Mr Easton was seriously crippled in an accident and had to leave his job

  2. 基达回忆说,前不久,她去宾夕法尼亚州伊斯顿的西加尔博物馆(SigalMuseum)观看一场关于历史上著名的晚礼服的展览,发现只有一件特大号晚装在展出。

    Ms. Keydar recalled that during a recent visit to an exhibition of historic evening dresses at the Sigal Museum in Easton , Pa. , there was only one plus-size dress on display .

  3. 伊斯顿同意回去跟露丝商量一下。

    Easton agreed and said he would mention it to Ruth .

  4. 伊斯顿建议雇一辆专用客车。

    Easton suggested that a special saloon carriage should be engaged .

  5. “好”伊斯顿说。他开始感到有些昏昏然了。

    All right , said easton , who was beginning to feel reckless .

  6. 但我能告诉伊斯顿夫人和妈妈为什么我们喜欢幽默书!

    But I could tell Mrs. Easton and Mother why we like comics !

  7. 我想知道为什么孩子们喜欢滑稽类的书,伊斯顿夫人问。

    I wonder why children like comic books , @ Mrs Easton asked .

  8. 我想你怎么也得付钱,没有别的办法,伊斯顿说道。

    I suppose you 'll have to pay it , that 's all , said easton .

  9. 伊斯顿往前走着,冻得直打哆嗦。

    Easton shivered as he walked .

  10. 我昨晚刚读完的一本书是一个叫迈克尔o伊斯顿的人写的。

    The last book that I just finished last night was by a guy named Michael Easton .

  11. 要是没有这些债务,我们现在就不会这么糟,伊斯顿固执地说。

    We 'd be all right if it wasn 't for the debts , said easton , doggedly .

  12. 伊斯顿把三封信反复地读了好几遍,最后大骂一声扔到了桌子上。

    Easton read the letters several times over and finally with an oath threw them on the table .

  13. 克雷奥拉的旅客在伊斯顿中心创建与城市一起,并帮助振兴。

    Crayola 's visitors'center in Easton was created in conjunction with the town , and has helped revitalize it .

  14. 克雷格•伊斯顿,英国&2012年卡蒂萨克旅行摄影师奖获奖者。

    Craig Easton , UK – winner of the Cutty Sark Award for Travel Photographer of the Year 2012 .

  15. 克雷格•伊斯顿,英国——2012年“卡蒂萨克”旅行摄影师奖获奖者。

    Craig Easton , UK - winner of the Cutty Sark Award for Travel Photographer of the Year 2012 .

  16. “好吧,你要走就走吧!”伊斯顿凶狠地嚷道,把她一把推开。

    " Well , go by yourself if you want to !" shouted Easton fiercely , pushing her away from him .

  17. 伊斯顿失业时,为了不到万不得已时不赊帐,他们只得节衣缩食。

    When Easton was unemployed they HAD to stint themselves so as to avoid getting further into debt than was absolutely necessary .

  18. 伊斯顿露出一点点笑容,好像是被逗笑的。当他正要接话时,却被他的同伴打断了。

    Easton , with a little laugh , as if amused , was about to speak again when the other forestalled him .

  19. 其重点放在企业而非财务方面弗伊斯顿承认,这点可能会遭到投资银行家们的嘲笑。

    The focus is on the business rather than on the finance , which probably makes investment bankers snigger , Mr Foyston concedes .

  20. 从此以后,露丝·伊斯顿只要能抽出时间就和孩子们一起到公园去。

    After this , whenever she could manage to spare the time , Ruth Easton used to go with the children to the park .

  21. 他们到了伊斯顿家,伊斯顿打开了家门。巡警在记事本上记下了些什么后就走开了。

    When they arrived at the house Easton opened the door , and after making some entries in his note-book the officer went away .

  22. 使人联想到阴郁的图像,沉闷的的苏格兰天气使英国摄影师克雷格•伊斯顿获得了2012年旅行摄影师大赛的总冠军。

    Evocative images of dismal – ' dreich ' – weather in Scotland made British photographer Craig Easton the overall winner in the 2012 Travel Photographer of the Year Award .

  23. 使人联想到阴郁的图像,“沉闷的”的苏格兰天气使英国摄影师克雷格•伊斯顿获得了2012年旅行摄影师大赛的总冠军。

    Evocative images of dismal - ' dreich ' - weather in Scotland made British photographer Craig Easton the overall winner in the 2012 Travel Photographer of the Year Award .

  24. 基于此,笔者将运用伊斯顿的政治系统论对贿赂行为进行研究,通过分析贿赂腐败的系统模式以展现其基本内容和主要过程,并对如何防治贿赂行为进行相应的探索。

    Based on this , the author will study bribery by employing The Political System Theory raised by David Easton , demonstrate the basic content and main course and explore how to combat bribery through analyzing its system model .

  25. 该调查由朴次茅斯大学心理学系和附属公司QoWL的伊斯顿和戴伦•范•拉尔共同开展,调查并未探究人们的工作热情为何会发生变化,也没有解释为何男性和女性对于工作的态度存在差异。

    The research carried out by Easton and Darren Van Laar , of the University of Portsmouth 's psychology department and company QoWL , did not look into why there were changes in enthusiasm or explain the differences between the attitudes of men and women .