
  1. 通过分析同行承认与科学家个人综合利益之间的关系,本文认为科学发现的优先权之争实质包含了利益之争。

    Having analyzed the relationship between the recognition and the comprehensive interest , this dissertation argues that the priority disputes of scientific discovery involves the interest disputes of the scientists who involve .

  2. 这部分,首先介绍了优先购买权的效力之争,主要围绕在债权效力和物权效力上,区分的标准是能否对抗第三人。

    In this part , the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of creditor right . The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not .