
  • 网络Excellence rate;Outstanding
  1. ⑸A、B组麻醉效果的优秀率较E组高(P0.05)。

    ⑸ The excellent anesthesia rate in Group A and Group B was higher than that in Group E ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 根据Mayo肘关节功能评分标准分为优、良、中、差4个等级,术后6月试验组优秀率为95.65%,对照组为81.25%。

    The functional scoring method of Mayo used to evaluate the elbow function , it is divided into excellent , good , fair and more poor four grades . After 6 months operation , the excellent rate was 95.65 % in experimental group and 81.25 % in control group .

  3. 优秀率是20%,中等率为40%。

    Percentage of excellence and middle grade were 20 % and 40 % , respectively .

  4. 影响国家体育锻炼标准优秀率因素探讨及对策

    A discussion about the factors affecting the excellent rate of National Physical Training Standard and countermeasures

  5. 女生的优秀率和良好率分别比男生的高出16.73和12.14个百分点,而男生的不及格率又大出女生26.66个百分点。

    Excellent and good rates of girls were 16.73 and 12.14 percentage points higher than the boys ' separately .

  6. 知识得分的中位数为45.0分,不合格率为69.3%,优秀率仅为5.7%。

    The media score of healthy knowledge was 45.0 , with the failure rate of 69.3 % and excellence rate of 5.7 % .

  7. 在全国英语四、级考试中,中国政法大学的通过率和优秀率在北京各高校中名列前茅。

    In the national CET4 and CET6 tests , the passing and excellence rate of its students head the list of universities in Beijing .

  8. 其中3岁年龄段优秀率最高(14.4%),不合格率最低(14.4%);

    Both the highest excellent rate ( 14.4 % ) and the lowest fail rate ( 14.4 % ) appeared in the infants at 3 years old ;

  9. 五是学生在速度和灵巧度方面的立定跳远成绩优秀率和良好率所占比例高,并随着年级的增加略有上升。

    Five students in speed and dexterity of the standing long jump of excellent and good rate was high proportion , and increased with grade rise slightly .

  10. 广州3~6岁幼儿体质整体状况的调查结果:广州市3~6岁幼儿总体体质优秀率11.9%;良好率17.6%,合格率为48.8%,不合格率21.7%。

    The result of the general status : The excellent rate was 11.9 % , good rate 17.6 % , qualified rate 48.8 % and fail rate 21.7 % .

  11. 目的:为提高治痛优秀率,对直线偏振光近红外线照射合用神经阻滞方法治疗疼痛性疾病,与单一神经阻滞进行比较。

    AIM : To treat painful diseases by linear polarized near-infrared ray irradiation plus nerve block treatment versus nerve block alone in order to improve the excellent rate in pain therapy .

  12. 通过教学查房、术中护理记录书写和考试评价带教效果。结果对带教老师教学态度满意度由82.9%上升到97.1%,护生考试和临床观察思维能力考核优秀率达94.3%。

    Results As a result , the students ' satisfaction with clinical teachers increased from 82.9 % to 97.1 % , the excellent rate of observing and thinking ability exams achieved to 94.3 % .

  13. 农村4岁年龄段优秀率最高(8.1%),5、6岁年龄段优秀率最低(均为7.1%)。

    The highest excellent rate ( 8.1 % ) appeared in the rural infants at 4 years old , and the lowest rate ( all were 7.1 % ) appeared at 5-6 years old .

  14. 结果:胆总管十二指肠T型吻合术疗效优秀率为68.9%(42/61),良好率为29.5%(18/61);

    RESULTS : The superiority rate of the T type anastomosis of bile duct and duodenum was 68.9 % ( 42 / 61 ) and the good rate 29.5 % ( 18 / 61 );

  15. 采用问卷和测试工具进行的数据分析结果表明,实验班学生的英语阅读成绩比控制班的提高幅度大,优秀率明显高于控制班。

    The analysis of data from the two tests shows that students in the experimental class make more progress in reading comprehension and the rate is distinguishingly higher than students in the control class .

  16. 营养态度:调查对象的营养态度及格率90.3%,优秀率81.7%。

    Nutritional attitude : The majority of the survey subjects had a positive nutritional attitude . The passing rate and the excellence rate of nutritional attitude test were 90.3 % and 81.7 % , respectively .

  17. 结果显示:如果优秀率、良好率、中等率、及格率和不及格率符合正态分布,说明教学效果良好,学生对课程内容掌握较好。

    Research results indicate that if the rates of excellence , good , middle , pass , and fail is subjected to normal distribution , it shows that the teaching effect is good and the students master the course well .

  18. 结果34位进修护士出科考试全部达良好以上,其中优秀率82%,有5人已竞聘护士长岗位,其余均为所在单位的护理业务骨干。

    Results 82 % of the 34 advanced training nurses got excellent achievement in the exams . Five of them won in the post competition of head nurse , and the rest of them became the key nurses in their own hospitals .

  19. 身体素质水平:上臂、下肢肌手臂肌肉力量男生平均水平较好,女生处于正常水平。(4)体质健康等级评定:及格率不高,优秀率较低。

    Body quality : The level of boys ' upper and lower limbs strength is better , but the girls ' level is normal . ( 4 ) Physical health raking : Passing ratio is not high , excellence ratio is lower .

  20. 从第二学期期末成绩看,实验班的平均分比对照班高9.4分,及格率比对照班高13个百分点,优秀率比对照班高14个百分点。

    Final results from the second semester of view , the experimental class averages 9.4 points higher than the control classes , the passing rate higher than 13 percent control classes , excellent classes than the control rate of 14 percentage points higher .

  21. 结果表明:强调心理素质培养的健美操课取得了理想的效果,考试成绩优秀率由原来的9.5%提高到24.5%;

    And questionnaires are used to support the training results , which reveals that an ideal result has been achieved from the aerobics dancing that focuses on psychology . The excellence rate in exams has been improved from the original 9.5 % to 24.5 % .

  22. 结果表明:学生身体素质提高明显,男女生身体素质优秀率分别为84.0%、86.9%,其整体水平明显超过全国同龄水平。

    The results show that the improvement of the students ′ physical quality is obvious , the excellence rate of the boy and girl on physical quality is up to 84 % and 86.9 % , and the level of the whole exceeds the national similar-age-level .

  23. 产业化促进了期刊质量提高,全省期刊质量评估结果显示,年获利10万元以上期刊的优秀率达68%,比全省科技期刊优秀率高30百分点。

    Industrialization promotes the increase of the quality of periodical . The result of quality evaluation on all periodicals revealed that the excellent rate is 68 % of the periodicals whose annual profit is over 10 × 10 4 yuan , 30 percentage points higher than that of all periodicals .

  24. 结果本组优良率为78.43%(4051),骨牵引+夹板外固定优秀率为13.63%(322),外固定支架优秀率为44.44%(49),手术切开复位内固定优秀率为80.00%(1620)。

    Results The excellent rates were 13.63 % , 44.14 % and 80 % in the skeletal traction plus splint fixation group , the external supporter fixation group and the open reduction plus internal fixation group , respectively . The total fine rate was 78.43 % in the 51 cases .

  25. 经过验证,MELP算法是一种比较优秀的低速率语音编码方法,具有较高的实用价值。

    It is proved that the MELP algorithm is an excellent low bit speech coding method and has high practicality .

  26. 张继科在接抢段表现优秀,得分率与使用率均很高。

    Zhang Jike has good performance in the snatching section with high score rate and utilization ratio .

  27. 索引负载将开始减少,并且您将看到一个优秀的压缩率。

    Index overhead would start to reduce , and you would see a good compression rate begin to materialize .

  28. 接发球段得分率也达到优秀,使用率也超过正常水平。

    The scoring rate in receiving and servicing phase is excellent , while , the utilization ratio is above the average level .

  29. 实验组与对照组技能考试优秀、良好率差异不大,平均成绩无显著性差异。

    The skills test of the experimental group and control group of excellent and good rate is insignificant , no significant difference in average scores .

  30. 今年,优秀高校的接收率会比以往每年都低。

    Acceptance rates at the top colleges were lower than ever this year .