
  1. 直到出来工作,我的目标才渐渐明朗。我要进修,所以次时我毅然选择自考本科!

    Until comes out the work , my goal only then gradually bright . I must take advanced courses , therefore time time I choose resolutely from test the undergraduate course !

  2. 我想知道荷兰承认我国自考的本科学位吗?

    Do you have bachelor degree ? If you have that 's OK .

  3. 生活小百科网:2006年我通过了北外自考英语本科的全部考试,获得了英语专业学士学位。

    I have passed the exams of all the Self-Undergraduate of English Majoy of Beijing Foreign Langage School and acquired the English Literature degree in2006 .

  4. 方法应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)对我省在职自考专科升本科护士进行心理状态调查和评定。

    Method Nurses with part-time self-study for bachelor degree were investigated with SelfRated Anxiety Scale ( SAS ) .

  5. 目的了解在职自考专科升本科护士焦虑状况,为护理管理者对护士心理行为进行管理提供理论依据。

    Objective To determine the level of anxiety in the nurses with part-time self-study for bachelor degree , in order to provide reference for nursing managers .