
  • 网络conservation movement
  1. 当代西方环境运动的发展主要经历了自然保护运动、环境保护主义和生态保护主义三个阶段。

    This paper mainly describes three phases of the Western environmental movements . e.

  2. 美国的自然资源保护运动是美国社会进步的产物。

    Conservation movement is a product of American society progress .

  3. 美国的文化与自然遗产保护运动具有明显的自下而上的特点,在这个过程中,民间社团组织发挥了重要作用。

    The protection of American culture and natural heritage is characterized as from bottom to top and the folk association plays a key role in the process .

  4. 如果要给西方生态整体主义下个定义的话,可以认为西方生态整体主义是在自然环境保护运动中产生,依据现代生态学理论,把价值建立在整个生态系统的非人类中心主义。

    If giving a definition of the thought , I think western ecological holism is a doctrine of non-human center , emerging in natural environmental protection movements , and basing the whole ecosystem on value .

  5. 经过三十多年的发展,世界遗产的保护已成为在联合国主导下的具有广泛代表性的国际文化和自然保护的全球性运动。

    With the development of the protection for more than thirty years , the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage has become a international movement by the leading of the U.N.

  6. 英国自然保护有着悠久的历史和重要影响,自然保护运动的发展也是一个逐渐演变和壮大的过程。

    The nature conservation has a long history and significant impact in Britain , and the development of the nature conservation is a procedure by gradually development and expansion as well .