
  • 网络fresno
  1. 幸运的是,弗雷斯诺那些好心的流浪汉们介绍我来到PoverelloHouse避难所,这里可以向无家可归者提供服务。

    Fortunately , kindhearted homeless residents in Fresno pointed me to a shelter , Poverello House , which provides services to the homeless .

  2. 领导力培训机构“学院”(TheAcademies)的老板苏珊•惠特科姆称,多年来,她一直把感谢行为充分应用于这家位于加州弗雷斯诺的公司的管理之中。

    For years , Susan Whitcomb says she has made good use of gratitude at her Fresno , Calif. - based leadership coaching business , The Academies .

  3. 加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校(CaliforniaStateUniversityinFresno)家族企业学院的院长乔治・沃兹克斯(GeorgeVozikis)表示,很多婴儿潮一代都被这次的经济衰退打了个措手不及,退休计划也受到了影响。

    Baby boomers , in many cases , were blindsided by the recession and its effect on their retirement plans , says George Vozikis , director of the Institute for Family Business at California State University in Fresno .

  4. 弗雷斯诺社区食物银行(FresnoCommunityFoodBank)的数据显示,该机构目前的救济规模创下纪录,每月向220000位居民提供食物,其中包括90000名儿童,较几年前增加340%。

    The Fresno Community Food Bank is doing a record business these days , serving food to 220,000 residents , including 90,000 children , each month , up 340 % from a few years ago , according to the food bank .

  5. 大卫·松本(DavidMasumoto)一家在弗雷斯诺有一处店铺,批发经营占地80英亩的果园中出产的果实,这些日子以来,他们有意用尽可能少的水来灌溉,因此要出售较小的“金粉”桃子就变得有些困难。

    David Masumoto , whose family produces a boutique crop of organic stone fruit on 80 acres south of Fresno , had a difficult time selling their petite Gold Dust peaches , which they intentionally grew using as little water as possible .

  6. 通常,DOMS不仅仅是痛,“受到影响的身体部位还会感到无力和活动困难,”位于加州弗雷斯诺市的加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校的运动机能学教授、美国运动伤害防护协会(NationalAthleticTrainers’Association)主席斯科特·赛勒(ScottSailor)说。

    Usually , D.O.M.S. involves not just pain but also " loss of strength and range of motion in the affected area , " said Scott Sailor , a professor of kinesiology at Fresno State University in Fresno , Calif. , and the president of the National Athletic Trainers " Association .

  7. 弗雷斯诺究竟哪里比巴黎好了德里克?好就好在

    In what universe is Fresno better than Paris , Derek ?

  8. 弗雷斯诺就是全世界最浪漫的地方

    Fresno is the most romantic city in the whole world .

  9. 我会在让我猜猜,弗雷斯诺?

    I should be in Let me guess , Fresno ?

  10. 在弗雷斯诺的这一周,我遇到的人都很骄傲。

    The people I met during my week in Fresno are proud .

  11. 其实,弗雷斯诺只是个垫脚石下一站,密尔沃基

    Well , Fresno is just a stepping stone . Next stop , Milwaukee .

  12. “我们在弗雷斯诺找到工作了”根本就不是“我们”

    Us just got a job in Fresno . " There 's no " us . "

  13. 为此,在7月21日早上,我乘坐灰狗巴士从洛杉矶前往弗雷斯诺。

    So , on the morning of July 21 I took a Greyhound bus from Los Angeles to Fresno .

  14. 这就是我到弗雷斯诺后会想念的…乡间幽默

    That 's exactly the kind of down-home country humor I 'm gonna miss when I 'm in Fresno ....

  15. “我们没有,许多百货公司弗雷斯诺为所有年龄组说,”弗朗西斯艾维斯。

    " We don 't have that many department stores in Fresno for all age groups ," said Frances Avis .

  16. 四个月之后,乔治所在的加利福尼亚州立大学弗雷斯诺分校在新赛季的第四场比赛与伦纳德所在的圣地亚哥州立大学正面相遇。

    Four months later , Fresno State was preparing to play San Diego State in the fourth game of the season .

  17. 官方称有13人在加州弗雷斯诺市的一场追逐枪战中受伤,枪战发生在一个摩托俱乐部的年度舞会上。

    Authorities say 13 people were injuried during a running gun battle at a Fresno , California motorcycle club 's annual dance .

  18. 在加州弗雷斯诺,一名男人冲进火势凶猛的房子,用肩膀扛着另一名男子跑了出来。

    And in Fresno , California , a man rushed into a burning home and carried another man out over his shoulder .

  19. 举个例子,一个名为弗雷德的人有可能倾向于居住在弗雷斯诺,到Forever21公司工作,或者开一辆福特轿车。

    For instance , a person named Fred might be attracted to the notion of living in Fresno , working for Forever 21 or driving a Ford .

  20. 加利福尼亚的贝克尔斯菲尔德和弗雷斯诺在排行榜中垫底,因为这两个城市的贫困率高,在主要评比项中得分较低。

    Bakersfield and Fresno in California came in at the very bottom of the list because their high poverty rate and low scores in the major categories .

  21. 弗雷斯诺是加州农业经济的核心,连续三年的干旱导致农民无法获得足够的水用于灌溉杏树、蜜瓜和其他作物。

    Fresno is in the heart of California 's agriculture economy . With a third year of record drought , farmers don 't have enough water for their almond , cantaloupe and other crops .

  22. 回到2010年,他在弗雷斯诺州立大学排名第10,虽然他当时和约翰·沃尔、戈登·海沃德和德马科斯·考辛斯是一届球员,但他现在确实取得了飞跃。

    Back in 2010 , he was taken 10th overall out of Fresno State , and while he 's a part of the same class as John Wall , Gordon Hayward , and DeMarcus Cousins , he truly stepped forward .