
fú lán kè
  • Frank;Franck;Barney Frank;Robert Frank
  1. 弗兰克一个劲地打情骂俏使得她非常厌倦。

    Frank 's efforts at flirtation had become tiresome to her .

  2. 弗兰克,老哥们儿——好几个月没见你了。

    Frank , you old son of a gun ─ I haven 't seen you for months .

  3. 弗兰克放下第一块厚木板,把它钉在合适的位置上。

    Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place

  4. 弗兰克从口袋里掏出一大串钥匙。

    Frank took a large ring of keys from his pocket .

  5. 弗兰克的身体已经被一场严重的心脏病拖垮了。

    Frank had been struck down by a massive heart attack .

  6. 她和弗兰克还没有抽出时间去开联名账户。

    She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account

  7. 弗兰克将一把零钱撒在桌子上。

    Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table

  8. 弗兰克在那儿,他是个非常可爱的人。

    Frank was there and he is a perfect peach .

  9. 他与弗兰克和马克一起工作过,并且成了朋友。

    He had worked alongside Frank and Mark and they had become friends

  10. 喂,我找弗兰克。

    Hallo , may I speak to Frank , please .

  11. 弗兰克开始为当地一个下流的恶人跑腿做坏事。

    Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain .

  12. 弗兰克与这些人的关系在我看来不正常。

    Frank has developed what I would term an unhealthy relationship with these people

  13. 弗兰克正在拼命奔逃,这时他联系到了他们。

    Frank was in full flight when he reached them

  14. 我知道弗兰克见到你会很高兴的。

    I know Frank will be delighted to see you

  15. 弗兰克认为本该是那艘1934年的帆船获胜。

    Frank is of the opinion that the 1934 yacht should have won .

  16. 甚至连一向理智的弗兰克都被她迷住了。

    Even sensible Frank had fallen under her spell .

  17. 弗兰克不想让警察知道去哪里可以找到他。

    Frank didn 't like having the cops know where to find him .

  18. 她很想同弗兰克谈谈。

    She was dying to talk to Frank .

  19. 第二天早上,史密斯试图打电话给在沃姆斯普林斯的弗兰克。

    Smith tried to get through to Frank at Warm Springs the next morning .

  20. 弗兰克在做燃料系统测试,这一测试需要关掉升压泵。

    Frank was carrying out fuel-system tests which necessitated turning the booster pumps off .

  21. 弗兰克开始拼凑出事情的真相。

    Frank was beginning to piece things together .

  22. 弗兰克以恳求的眼神看着吉姆。

    Frank looked at Jim with imploring eyes .

  23. 她没有听从自己心里的话,弗兰克因此死了。

    She hadn 't followed her instinct and because of this Frank was dead .

  24. “弗兰克怎么样了?”他问道。

    ' How is Frank ? ' he asked

  25. 弗兰克目前定居柏林。

    Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin .

  26. 有麻烦时,我会首先去找弗兰克。

    In a tight spot there is no one I would sooner see than Frank .

  27. 他把门锁上,又试了试,然后转身和弗兰克说话。

    He latched the door , tested it , and turned around to speak to Frank .

  28. 你要对我有点儿耐心,弗兰克,让我跟你解释。

    If you 'll bear with me , Frank , just let me try to explain .

  29. 弗兰克不相信占星术。

    Frank disbelieved in astrology .

  30. 我没有开玩笑,弗兰克。外面有一头母牛,就站在附近。

    I 'm not kidding , Frank . There 's a cow out there , just standing around