
chē kù
  • garage;depot;barn;lock-up;carpark
车库 [chē kù]
  • [garage] 专用来存放汽车等的房屋

车库[chē kù]
  1. 那名男子最终被警方逼到了车库里。

    The man was finally cornered by police in a garage .

  2. 她小心翼翼地将车开进了车库。

    She manoeuvred the car carefully into the garage .

  3. 警察发现他在一处车库里睡着了。

    The police found him asleep in a garage .

  4. 练习倒车入车库。

    Practise reversing the car into the garage .

  5. 蒂姆爬到车库的房顶上。

    Tim climbed on to the garage roof .

  6. 这部车太大了,我们的车库放不下。

    The car was too big to fit into our garage .

  7. 量一量你的车库:门有多高?

    Measure your garage : how high is the door ?

  8. 本小心翼翼地把车开进车库时从他们身边经过。

    Ben drove past them , nosing his car into the garage .

  9. 他把车停在了她家车库前的车道上。

    He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage

  10. 谢登夫人注意到一只鸟落在车库顶上。

    Mrs Shedden noticed a bird sitting on the garage roof

  11. 紧挨着车库是一座小果园。

    Next door to the garage is a small orchard area

  12. 我的车库里有台电池测试仪。

    I have a battery tester in my garage .

  13. 他从车库的暗处走出来。

    He emerged from the dark recesses of the garage

  14. 他太粗心大意,竟然没锁车库的门。

    He carelessly left the garage door unlocked

  15. 我们告诉建筑承包商,我们需要一个能容得下两辆车的车库。

    We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars .

  16. 邻居车库下面的煤气总管裂开了,煤气渗入了我们家。

    A gas main had cracked under my neighbour 's garage and gas had seeped into our homes

  17. 每次都要锁上车库。

    Always lock your garage .

  18. “车在车库里吗?”——“不,还在外面。”

    ' Was the car inside the garage ? ' — ' No , it was still outside . '

  19. 车库里有足够的存储和工作空间。

    The garage has ample storage and work space .

  20. 这房子附有一个车库。

    The house has a garage attached to it .

  21. 汽车撞在车库门上,把门撞坏了。

    The car knocked against the garage door and damaged it .

  22. 他们通过车库插座取电。

    They used electricity from a plug in the garage .

  23. 吉姆初步计划把他的车库改造成一个蒸汽浴室。

    Jim 's got some half-baked idea about converting his garage into a sauna .

  24. 一间车库位于房屋之侧。

    A garage flanked the house .

  25. 个人计算机革命以及硅谷的颠覆性创新理念在一定程度上源自自制计算机俱乐部的创立。20世纪70年代中期,这家俱乐部成立于加利福尼亚州门洛帕克的一个车库中。

    The personal computing revolution and philosophy of disruptive innovation of Silicon Valley grew , in part , out of the creations of the Homebrew Computer Club , Which was founded in a garage in Menlo Park , California , in the mid-1970s .

  26. 想象一下,有人随时检查你的整个房屋、车库和院子,而没有事先告知你。

    Imagine having your entire houses , garage , and yard inspected at any time — with no warning .

  27. 1928年,赫伯特·胡佛设想了一个"家家锅里都有鸡,家家车库都有车"的美国。

    In 1928 Herbert Hoover imagined an America with " a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage . "

  28. 车库建好的时候,我的车也做好了。

    By the time the garage was finished , so was my car .

  29. 那是在学校的暑假,工人们正在我们家旁边建一条新的车道和车库。

    It was during the school summer holidays and workmen were building a new driveway and garage beside our house .

  30. 它的速度很快,我不得不跑到车库,以免它撞到新门。

    It was fast and I had to run to the garage to prevent it from hitting the new door .