
  1. 列出了更新期的计算公式,并以第一汽车制造厂CA141车身涂装线为实例进行了计算。

    The calculation equations for turnover time were given . The turnover time was calculated with the CA 141 body painting line in No. 1 Automobile Factory as example .

  2. 车身涂装线烘干及废气焚烧新技术的应用

    New Technical Application for Body Drying and Exhaust Gas Burning

  3. 图像识别技术在车身涂装车间信息化上应用的研究

    Research on Image Recognition Technology Applied for Information on Car Body Painting Workshop

  4. 而车身涂装中的前处理和电泳的地位也很重要。

    While the body in coating pretreatment and electrophoresis status is also important .

  5. 重型载货汽车车身涂装技术

    Painting Technology Used in Heavy Duty Truck Bodies

  6. 我国汽车车身涂装15年来的技术进步及其展望

    Technological Progress and Perspective of Car Body Painting in the Last 15 Years in China

  7. 汽车车身涂装技术的发展动态

    Development Trend of Automotive Body Painting Technology

  8. 综合介绍了车身涂装技术的国内外现状及最新发展趋势。

    The current status and latest development of automotive body painting technology are comprehensively introduced .

  9. 汽车车身涂装设备及分析

    Equipment and Discussion of Car Body Finishing

  10. 新型汽车车箱涂装线的工艺设计及应用重型载货汽车车身涂装技术

    Technical Design and Production Practice of Coating Line for New-Style Car Bodies Painting Technology Used in Heavy Duty Truck Bodies

  11. 从前无法实现的革命性新工艺和新技术也得到应用或即将应用,这些将促进车身涂装进入一个新的发展时期。

    And many new revolutionary techniques have been applied now or soon , which promotes new development stage of automotive painting .

  12. 介绍了车身涂装过程中灰粒的危害、监测、分析方法、分类、来源及防治方法。

    It introduces the risk , monitor , analytical method , classification , source and prevention of the dust particles during the car body painting .

  13. 脏点控制与分析直接关系到车身涂装质量的优劣,是涂装车间日常工作的重点内容之一。

    Spot control and analysis are related to the quality of body painting , and it is one of main routine works in painting room .

  14. 静电喷涂机器人是一种非常重要的涂装生产装备,是一种利用高压静电电场力提高涂料微粒沉积效率的设备,在国内外广泛应用于汽车车身涂装生产线。

    Electrostatic spray robot is an important equipment for coating , which has been widely applied in coating production line of automobile at home and abroad .

  15. 简述了危害车身涂装质量的灰粒形态,以及预处理过程中减少和清除灰粒的措施。

    The paper sketches dust particle shape harming quality of car body painting , together with measure reducing and removing dust particle in the process of pretreatment .

  16. 前言:详细介绍了汽车车身涂装生产线排放的“三废”的处理方法。

    Treatment methods of the " three wastes "( water , gas and dregs ) resulted from the finishing production lines of the car body are described in detail .

  17. 主要介绍了大型汽车车身涂装线工艺设计的重要性、基本设计原则和设计关键点,提出在工艺设计中应该注意的要点及主要设计思路。

    The importance , basic principle and key technologies of process design of large-scale automotive body painting line are introduced . The matters needed to attention and the main design ideas in process design are put forward .

  18. 论述了目前国内涂装过程中常易忽视的几道辅助工序,并提出了打磨、抛光以及汽车车身涂装中涂密封胶、喷车底涂料和喷涂保护蜡等相关工艺要求和操作方法。

    This article has described several supplemental working procedures that are always overlooked in finishing process in domestic market and indicated the requirements and working procedures for sanding , polishing , sealing , priming and protective wax in finishing of automobile body .

  19. 介绍了车身表面涂装前的预处理工艺以及漆前修补的方法。

    Pretreatment processes and repairing methods before coating automobiles are introduced .

  20. 影响车身电泳涂装因素的探讨

    Discussion on Factors Affected an Electrodeposition Painting of Car Body

  21. 汽车车身阴极电泳涂装工艺控制要点

    Outlines for Process Control of Electrophoresis Coating for Automobile Bodywork

  22. 车身构件冲压及涂装工艺对其抗撞性的影响研究

    Influence of Forming and Painting Process on Crashworthiness of Auto Body Components

  23. 国外汽车车身表面处理和涂装的现状与发展趋势

    Present status and trends of surface treatment and subsequent coating techniques of autobody abroad

  24. 文章指出,提高豪华客车的涂装质量和工艺材料、施工设备与环境有关,也与车身制造工艺和涂装工艺以及施工人员的管理有关。

    The paper describes an improvement method of painting quality for luxury motor coach , coating material , car body fabrication , painting process , application equipment and environment as well as management .

  25. 结合卡车车身全自动喷涂技术,详细地介绍了用于卡车车身涂装的自动喷涂机和高速旋杯静电喷涂机的结构、工作原理及其技术参数。

    In terms of the fully automatic spray technology for . truck body , the automatic spray equipment , and the structure , operating principle and technical specifications of the high - speed spining cup electrostatic spray installation were described .