
  • 网络Install Directory;install;installation directory
  1. 要想卸载DB2产品,应该运行db2deinstall命令,这个命令位于安装目录下。

    To uninstall a DB2 product , run the db2_deinstall command , which is located under the install directory .

  2. 这应该是Eclipse安装目录下形如plugins/org.apache.ant1.5.3的子目录。

    Under your Eclipse install directory , it should be in a directory like plugins / org . apache . ant_1.5.3 .

  3. 选择一个安装目录并单击Next按钮。

    Choose an installation directory and click the Next button .

  4. 接受默认的共享资源安装目录,并且点击Next。

    Accept the default shared resource installation directory , and click Next .

  5. 选择安装目录,然后单击Next。

    Choose a directory for installation and click Next .

  6. 新的关键字FILE用来指定安装目录。

    A new keyword FILE is used to specify the installation directory .

  7. 在下面的示例中,用Java安装目录替代

    In the following example , replace with the Java installation directory

  8. 选择windows的安装目录。

    Select the directory where you want to install windows .

  9. 路径newrepo/是相对于CommunityEdition的安装目录的。

    The path newrepo / is relative to the Community Edition installation directory .

  10. 这个文件再你的PHP安装目录下可找到。

    This file then your PHP installation directory can be found .

  11. 注意,IBMMashupCenter的安装目录在后文中称为

    Note that the installation directory of IBM Mashup Center is hereafter referred to as

  12. 可在DB2软件的安装目录中发出该命令。

    Issue the command from the product directory where the DB2 software is installed .

  13. 为变量值输入SunJVM的安装目录。

    For the variable value , enter the directory containing the Sun JVM install .

  14. 对于此提示,通常只需输入Eclipse的安装目录。

    For this , you will usually just enter the directory where Eclipse is installed .

  15. 我们还可以使用make程序的PREFIX选项将安装目录重定向到其他位置。

    You can also use the PREFIX option with the make program to redirect the install subdirectory to a new location .

  16. 设置CATALINAHOME环境变量以指向安装目录。

    Set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable to point to the installation directory .

  17. 打开命令窗口,并导航到WebSphereMQ的安装目录。

    Open a command window and navigate to the directory where WebSphere MQ is installed .

  18. 将JDK安装目录下的bin目录添加到PATH环境变量。

    Add the bin directory under the JDK installation directory to the PATH environment variable .

  19. 日志目录是您的IBMCognos10安装目录中的/logs/XQE目录。

    The logs directory is the < platform > / logs / XQE directory in your IBM Cognos 10 install .

  20. 从Vendor下拉列表中选择IBM,然后单击Browse以指定Web服务器安装目录。

    Select IBM from the Vendor drop-down list , and click on Browse to specify you Web server installation directory .

  21. 在Destination选项卡下,选择Eclipse安装目录,或托管存储库(如果可用)。

    Under the Destination tab , choose your Eclipse installation directory , or host repository ( if available ) .

  22. 惟一的例外情况是您把Eclipse设置为将插件放在Eclipse安装目录之外。

    The only exception is if you have Eclipse set up to keep your plug-ins outside the Eclipse installation directory .

  23. 打开一个命令行并确保PATH变量包含了您的VSS安装目录的路径。

    Open a command prompt and ensure that the PATH variable includes the path of your VSS installation directory .

  24. powerpoint无法找到本地的安装目录。

    PowerPoint couldn 't locate the local installation directory .

  25. 对于安装目录,请输入CD驱动器所在的设备(例如,/dev/cd0),然后继续。

    For the installation directory , enter the device ( for example , / dev / cd0 ) for the CD drive , then continue .

  26. 一个-useHome选项用于阻止文件写入ISALite安装目录。

    A-useHome option to prevent files being written to the ISA Lite installation directory .

  27. 备份LifecycleManager安装目录:停止LifecycleManager,使用您公司首选的方法创建一个目录结构备份。

    Backup the Lifecycle Manager installation directory by stopping Lifecycle Manager and create a backup of the directory structure using a preferred method of your company .

  28. 添加ISAapache端口号、Informix服务器名称和安装目录,然后保存。

    Add ISA apache port number , Informix server name , and installation directory , and then save it .

  29. 此环境变量应当指向JDK的安装目录。

    This should point to the directory that your JDK is installed in .

  30. 将WebSphere概要的安装目录/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles映射到第二个逻辑磁盘。

    Map the installation directory of your WebSphere profiles , / opt / IBM / WebSphere / AppServer / profiles , to the second logical disk .