
  • 网络British aerospace
  1. 欧洲委员会裁定英国航空航天公司应该偿还数千万英镑。

    The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds .

  2. 粗暴的英国航空航天公司老板JohnWeston要求担任Marconi财务主管多年的金先生来把握这个合并公司的战略。

    John Weston , the abrasive boss of British Aerospace asked Mr King , who had been finance director at Marconi for several years , to handle strategy for the merged firm .

  3. 1990年代后期,合并浪潮席卷了大西洋两岸的军工业,Marconi成了Marconi电子系统公司,并被英国航空航天公司兼并,成为BAE系统公司。

    In the late 1990s a wave of consolidation hit the defence industry on both sides of the Atlantic and Marconi Electronic Systems , as it had become , was taken over by British Aerospace to form BAE Systems .

  4. 英国航空航天公司在1985年做成第一单al-Yamamah生意,它海盗般的文化和GEC截然不同,金先生说,在GEC,Weinstock阁下一直都以最高的商业行为标准来要求他们。

    British Aerospace , which did the first al-Yamamah deal in 1985 , had a buccaneering culture very different from that of GEC , where , says Mr King , Lord Weinstock always demanded the highest standards of commercial behaviour .

  5. 英国GKN航空航天服务公司(机动化和宇航业)拥有非常完善的业绩评估系统。

    Given its global interests , the GKN Group ( which supplies the automotive and aerospace industries ) operates a highly sophisticated performance measuring system .

  6. 英国GKN航空航天服务公司表示,其公司的很多采购程序在过去几年内已经有所改变,主要是对应供应商提出的满足经营方针的要求。

    GKN 's Soen said that many of his company 's purchasing processes had changed in the past few years , driven by a need to align its suppliers to its business direction .

  7. Skytrax在英国范堡罗国际航空航天展览会期间公布了“2016年全球最佳航空公司奖”,这家总部位于迪拜的国际航空公司摘得桂冠。

    The international airline , based in Dubai , won the top honors at the Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony at the Farnborough International Airshow in England .

  8. 英国许多议员希望bae继续挂英国国旗、或是与英国航空航天企业罗尔斯罗伊斯(rolls-royce)合并,而不是与一家欧洲企业合并。

    Many British members of parliament would like BAE to carry on flying the flag or combine forces with Rolls-Royce , the UK aerospace company rather than choose a European solution .