
  1. 半自动空气悬挂系统&“双控空气悬挂系统”令E级轿车在任何路面情况下保持车身平稳。

    The semi-active air suspension system , AIRMATIC Dual Control , keeps the level of the E-Class constant , no matter what condition the road is in .

  2. 通过创新设计思路,将ABS电磁阀巧妙地用在了空气悬挂系统中作降阀使用。

    Through innovative design , the author ingeniously applies the magnet valve of the ABS as the down-valve of the air suspension system .

  3. 电子控制空气悬挂系统在客车上的应用,将大大提高客车舒适性并可以控制车身高度。

    This paper says the application of the electric control air suspension system to the bus will improve its performance of comfort greatly and control its height of body .

  4. 铁道车辆主动、半主动空气弹簧悬挂系统的研究

    Study on active and semi-active air-spring suspension systems for railway vehicles

  5. 基于半主动控制空气弹簧悬挂系统及其仿真研究

    Study on Semi-active Control and Simulation about Airspring System

  6. 空气弹簧悬挂系统的采用不仅能够解决机械解耦问题,同时也满足了运行品质的要求。

    The air spring suspension system can be used not only to solve the problem of mechanical decoupling , but also meet the requirements of movement quality .